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Do you think this pics was shopped?

Clicked on .... I won't do that again
iPad went bonkers, I did see the feet area the darkness by their souls of their shoes should be darker even though the sun is not directly on them. I would be guessing only on that premise I would say chopped. I didn't look very long though
Looks shopped but I don't think so. The shoes have the muddy dirt on the toes and they are perfectly positioned. This crisp effect may be caused by a fill flash, look at the sharp shadow behind the hands of the two guys on the left, the second guy on the lefts face, and the right hand of the guy in the middle. Then they also have the sunlight on their backs and legs.

ipads dont have adblockers like pc I click on it on my phone I get the same 10 adverts idad is probably getting on my pc no issue
and I wouldnt like to say when you first look it screams photoshopped because no shadows then you realise they are standing in the shade but there is a light beam just to the left of the 2nd guy in from the left and judging by the rest of the shadows in the picture you would think he would break that light leak with some form of shadow when you look at other shadows on their clothes.

So I am torn maybe some is faked maybe some is genuine I guess it will all be revealed, your more likely to find worse photoshop mistakes in high street magazines they are funny.
He as had so many images faked recently, the most famous being the ships in the harbour one doing a landing.
It definately is. I am a photographer.
I see a flash is used and there are no shadows at their feet nor from shadows or sunlight.
Also the man from the right is against a well lit building, backlight, so it looks too sharp for this situation, there is not a bit of hallo.
The size of the men is too small compared to those sidewalk bricks behind.
Maybe you see more.
I looked at that picture again there are plenty of inconsistencies but it could be due to the low-resolution I'm leaning towards chopped there are a lot of jagged edges where the contours should be smooth transition.(the edges of sleeves where it meets the background or the person standing next to) some of the lighting from the flash on the guy on the left does not match following down his body to his feet the angle of shadowing on his hand should be the same angle on the shoes to the ground, some edges are blurred, should be crisp.

it's a guessing game:mrgreen:
I've been reading some of the posts and there are some good points being made. On my first look at the image I thought chopped, but after a closer look, I'm not so sure even after hearing some others opinions. This one is a hard call.

In the image in the link I provided, I was absolutely certain that it was chopped, but others convinced me it wasn't.
I suppose it a, whether you want to give the guy the benefit of the doubt or you don't type of situation.50/50
