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Duplicate/Deform object along a path


New Member
Is there any way in photoshop or with a 3rd party plug-in to duplicate an object on a layer along a path so that it conforms to the orientation and possibly deforms accordingly? I'm working on a fish scale texture that has scales of varying size that flow in different directions depending on the location on the body. As of right now I've crudely grid warped a tiling fish scale matte I made to define how I want the scales to flow. I'm using this as a guide as I individually place each scale. Obviously, this is taking forever. If I had some way to help place these scales it'd save me a lot of time.
have you considered the Displace filter I've never using it on an image with Paths but I think it's worth a try.
This is how I would use it, I apologise if it does quite relate to what you are working on but without any images It's a bit difficult to advice.

Start with the image you want to at the texture over make a duplicate image so not to damage the original, then go to the channels palette, single out the red channel and select it with the 1st icon on the left at the bottom of the channels palette (circler dotted icon) Then copy it.

flatten any layers if you have made any and save this is a PSD file, I usually call mine displace. Go back to the original image and copy the texture onto it ( the fish scales in your case). resize sort out blending modes e.t.c depends on your image. Then go to the Filter menu- Distort- Displace, make sure the options are stretch to fit or wrap around and then enter numbers in the two scale boxes I usually use around 15 in each box, click ok and then select the PSD file you saved earlier and open it.

This will adjust the texture to fit the contours and shape of the original image, it works very well of adding realistic texture onto skin.
I hope this helps I'm sorry if its a bit vague and as I said never used it on an image with paths.
