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Freelance work

Josh Stemple

Well-Known Member
Can we get back to doing the OPs work IN the forum posts. Instead of moving them away from them. "Email me so I dont have to give other people a chance." Is basically what alot of people are saying. Its fairer for both the freelancers and OPs if we do all the work in the posts.

Sent from my Fortress of Solitude.
most jobs OP's I do don't want images posted in threads if you're looking to get jobs you got to be quick, you're competing with hundreds if not thousands.
We'd love that Josh and I'd change the rules if I could enforce it but I can't.
That's why the rules say "first contact must me in the thread" and other details can be discussed in private.
most jobs OP's I do don't want images posted in threads if you're looking to get jobs you got to be quick, you're competing with hundreds if not thousands.

The thing is the first thing out of peoples mouths is email me or pm me. Thats basically saying "you dont need to come here anymore" . And I dont know where you are getting this 100s & 1000s from. I see 10 people at most doing freelance stuff. Maybe im just one of tgose crazy people that think rules are in place for a reason and we should follow them.

Sent from my Fortress of Solitude.
You sound as if the site shows favouritism towards 'certain' members with that reply, i hope i am very wrong because the site does not work that way the rule clearly states first contact - ie first come first served, it has to be that simple to be that fair does it not?

Please PM me or any other mod/admin if you have any issues, or just post on the boards we have nothing to hide.
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Who's to say who does what here, like I said "hundreds if not thousands." I could be wrong but not far off I bet!
Good point iDAD, lot's choose this site for what ever reason, and some even ask for work to be completed via payment, just how many choose to go via PM only is the question, but how would you the community police that, seeing that PM's are a private and confidential issue?

This is why the site uses the 'trust of members' and the ruling of first contact.
All im saying is unless the OP specifically says its private everything should stay in the posts. The only pm that should be sent is payment info after work is done.
you guys are basically telling me it doesnt matter because people will break the rules anyway. Im just trying to bide by the rules but if trying to figure ways around the rules is the name of the game.... so be it

Sent from my Fortress of Solitude.
And we thank you for your honesty, but like you have clearly stated 'members' will do the back door approach regardless.
The main thing is, clients are leaving happy with there product, the word will spread and more will come.

The way I see it, it's a dog eat dog industry. Whoever has the biggest teeth, gets the bone lol.
I had a pm earlier from a newbie asking for a manipulation to be done, i kindly refused and asked them to post a new thread.
Guess what, they have not been back.
Why is communicating through e-mail "backdoor" and "nefarious." Every member of this forum who follows the rules is able to PM a requester(after communicating first in the orignal thread) and say "Hey, I'm interested and can do the job for you. E-mail if your interested."

It definitely saves me the time of doing the project just for the heck of it(if I don't want to) and hoping mine gets chosen. If it so happens that I can't or won't complete a job for someone, I send them right back here for someone else to pick up.

There's lots of work that even though I know I could do a great job, I simply don't reply to because 2 or more people have already replied, that's just the way it is. I also don't reply to certain requests(such as logo) because that isn't my forte and I know there are members here WAAY more qualified to do it than me so why clog up the pool.

When someone straight up PM's here for work because they've seen previous work of mine and ask if I can help them out, I should tell them no? That they have to post it in the freelance section so everyone gets a chance?

It sounds like some people are feeling like they're missing out on opportunities, when that simply isn't true. Everyone has the same opportunities and it's kind of pretentious to think "Well they obviously didn't get the best person because they didn't see my work."

I reckon no one here is making a living from this freelance section anyway, so it really isn't worth arguing over.
The forum rules require that a member makes initial contact in the thread, after that "You may keep details of the offer private, .................................................... "

We at PSG would love it if all communications were made via the thread for 1 simple reason, traffic.

That's the life blood of any website.

We would prefer to be the hub of communication between the client and the freelancer but because of the design of the forum software we're more of a dating service, a way to introduce a client to a freelancer.
This is just a discussion of personal opinions regarding the freelance sections.
If your're contacting the client with a" "Email Me" or "PM Me" message don't sweat it you're not doing something wrong.

But if we can change that some time in the future, we will.

But if we can change that some time in the future, we will.

Well I personally wish you wouldn't, but regardless I'm here for the long haul(or until someone slams me with the banhammer of justice ;) You have a great forum here and everyone is pleasant and gracious(considering I acted like a jerk when I first got here) I send as many people as I can here and will continue to do so. :)
If someone emails you because they saw your previous work then have at it. Im not saying thats bad at all.its when they post and people direct them out of the forums that I dont agree with. I guess its all in the wording and how people interpret it.

Sent from my Fortress of Solitude.
Since folks are directed out of the forums let me run this idea past you guys.

The request originates in the forum. We know that a member of Photoshop Gurus Community get's the job, I would like to see a rule that states that the member who gets the job must post the final results for that job for the entire community to see. I know that this does happen some of the time, but as of late, it seems that the thread just ends with......."I'm interested, please pm me"..."sending a pm"......and that's it!

What do you think?
must post the final results for that job for the entire community to see.
I've had plenty of people ask not to post images on web .......You can't tell a member (client)that asks for privacy that oh members might get upset if I don't post the picture...
iDad said:
I've had plenty of people ask not to post images on web
Yeah, this should not even be a consideration.

I know all PsGurus members have the same opportunity to vie for the chance to win a freelance bid. However, as the name states, we are a community. It would be nice if we could all see the final results of these public requests for, at the very least, a learning opportunity used to educate the many interested members of our community. Otherwise, the primary benefactor is the OP who is getting a private result for nearly nothing. If it's about the competition, then let's see the final work! This will also add to the Gallery of work giving the OP a better idea of who might be more capable of meeting their needs.

Mind you, this is only a thought that I wanted to run past you guys and gals. I have no intentions of arguing this point if it's not considered a good idea.
