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Negative SEO

Hi, just getting into photoshop a bit more these days and so happy to find a site like this where I can ask questions...I'm still finding photoshop a bit like playing the piano...so many possibilities/options that I'm not always sure which keys to press!
Well your in a good place to discover the possibilities Ps holds.

Welcome to the forum and enjoy.
I have been able to learn a fair bit through trial and error (mostly error!), but I'm still such a noob that I find myself staring at the screen or desperately searching through every menu in hopes of finding that one thing I used a couple months ago, etc. I use CS5, and really love what the programme can do; I feel like I'm driving a Ferrari, but only in first gear.
Time is on your side, so learn at your own pace...

Maybe join in on our challenges we host, many do and it will help you learn new stuff all the time.
