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How to delete a section of an image using the marquee tool?


Active Member
I've got a very long rectangular image. The top is important and the bottom is important, I want to cut out the stuff in the middle.

How can I use the marquee tool to get rid of a large area that I have selected?

I have done a fair amount of searching on Google and the forum but I still cannot figure it out.

Thank you in advance for the help.
Look up information on content aware and see if that helps you.

What part of this do you need help understanding? How to cut the middle section away? Or how to make the upper and lower sections blend?

You can marquee a section and move it on the same layer. You can make it into another layer and move it. You can use the clone tool, layer masks, and so on to blend things together.

If you upload your image we can get a better idea of the obstacles you face. Just hard to advise without seeing the image since the methods might vary so much.
Well, your gradient goes from top to bottom. If you pull the blue down, you will have blue meets white. If you want to remake the gradient in the middle you create, you could do that by leaving a blank chunk in the middle and recreating the gradient to match at top and bottom. Otherwise you will need to extract the figures and put a new gradient in place or a new solid color. Like this:


It's not perfect; you can see the edges of the different colors, but you'd just have to play with it to get the match up better. If you're good with a brush and get frustrated with trying to match the edges, you can use a soft, low opacity brush to blend colors together.
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Like this:


Merged the middle color layer with the image, then matched the colors and brushed the top blue at low opacities, then the lower white over it at lower opacities and so forth. Just took a few passes. Then I cropped it.

Still could be done better. :rolleyes:
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Wow, that's quite an improvement. I really need to learn more about Photoshop! I still think I need to take out a large portion of the middle. I'm planning on using it as a banner logo for a website. Even if I take out a large portion of the middle it will still probably need some modification. I was thinking I would edit out a large portion of the middle and see where that gets me. Then I might use the image science feature in Photoshop to resize everything.

Is there a better way to have more control over resizing an image then to click the image button and go down to image size?

Thanks for all the help, this form is truly outstanding.
I took a different approach. After all, variety is the spice of life.

I just removed the background altogether and then isolated the Sun and clouds on one layer:


The Kids and the trampoline on another layer:


Then I can add any background color I want:


You can easily resize it anytime you desire. To do that, I can move either of the two layers towards each other and then I would use the crop tool.
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Responding to the OP's comment that the eventual use would be a banner for a web page, I took the same general approach as IamSam, but added a few of my own personal touches:

1) The 1st thing I did was to clean up the paper texture (or whatever it was) as well as the dust spots / blemishes on the large size version of the image.

2) After I moved a copy of the sun and clouds down, the edges of the sun, clouds, lines indicating movement, etc. were all looking a bit soft, so I over-painted them in a very dark blue-black.

3) When the sun gets close to the horizon, it looks larger than when it is high in the sky, so I increased the size of it and the surrounding clouds a bit. I also flattened them very slightly for a bit more realism.

4) The whole image looked like it needed a more well defined black point and contrast, so I used a curves layer to accomplish this.

5) I thought the relative luminosities and saturations of the different colors was a bit soft, so my final step was to use a hue/sat adjustment layer to tweak these to my liking.

Since this is a learning discussion group, not a free photoshop service, I also downsized the final image to 400 pixels across.


Tom M


  • Jpeg_file_logo-01_ps02b_crop2-400px_wide-01.jpg
    61 KB · Views: 27
Thanks for the kind words, Clare. In the new version, I really like the balance between the moved clouds and sun in the upper LH corner and all the activity in the lower RH corner. I hope the OP likes it.

Also, thank you very much for the medal. I responded in the other thread, but that was about the last thing I ever expected.

Thanks again,

Responding to the OP's comment that the eventual use would be a banner for a web page, I took the same general approach as IamSam, but added a few of my own personal touches:

1) The 1st thing I did was to clean up the paper texture (or whatever it was) as well as the dust spots / blemishes on the large size version of the image.

2) After I moved a copy of the sun and clouds down, the edges of the sun, clouds, lines indicating movement, etc. were all looking a bit soft, so I over-painted them in a very dark blue-black.

3) When the sun gets close to the horizon, it looks larger than when it is high in the sky, so I increased the size of it and the surrounding clouds a bit. I also flattened them very slightly for a bit more realism.

4) The whole image looked like it needed a more well defined black point and contrast, so I used a curves layer to accomplish this.

5) I thought the relative luminosities and saturations of the different colors was a bit soft, so my final step was to use a hue/sat adjustment layer to tweak these to my liking.

Since this is a learning discussion group, not a free photoshop service, I also downsized the final image to 400 pixels across.


Tom M

wow! That is truly phenomenal work. I will try that out on the website and see how it goes. Thank you again, that looks wonderful.
I do like it. Unfortunately I am just starting with Photoshop and do not have your skill level. I volunteered to make a website for a local pediatric therapy company. So now I'm learning Dreamweaver and Photoshop with a trial by fire method.

I'm not sure the small image will fit right into the website. Is there anyway I can get access to the larger images that you have?
Hi Wheelstb -

With respect to getting a larger version of that image, I, of course, have it, but there is a problem. You posted your request in the general photoshop section, and you phrased your request as if you wanted to learn how to do the work yourself, not have someone do the job for you (which is essentially what you are now asking by your request for the full rez version of the image).

In fact, there is a "freelance" section of this site specifically for paid photoshop work. It even comes with a suggested fee table. Go to http://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum...nce-job-please-read-first.html#post1533609548 and scroll down to the last post in that thread.

Given that you apparently are volunteering your own time to a good charitable cause, I don't want to be crass and ask for payment. However, nor do I want to completely undermine the rate structure established in the freelance section by giving you work for free.

Here's my suggestion: Send me or Ibclare (one of the moderators) a private message with a real email address and we'll continue the discussion privately. If you can (privately) provide solid evidence that you are working pro bono for the pediatric unit, I'll do the same and send you the high rez file free of charge. However, in the absence of such evidence, I would have to ask that you pay the normal freelance rate (probably around $40 for this job), but I (or the moderators) will donate the money to a pediatric charity (eg, the Children's Inn at NIH). How does that sound?

Best regards,

Tom M
