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Marble Woman

Cindy Grundsten

Power User
I'm so happy today so I just have to tell you about it. I got a DD on Deviantart for my picture "Let No One Decide over your head"
I knew nothing until I received congratulations on Facebook. Then I logged on Deviantart and saw it. I was both surprised and happy at the same time. :cheesygrin:

Now something completely different ...
I have done a new human statue. It was easy and quick to complete as it only contains six different source images.

I'm still not quite clear on whether I should have her more white as marble or if she shall have this light pink tone

All sources is from Dreamstime.com

Two more, maby the one in the middle is best.


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Congrats for the DD:) You have deserved it, but your whole DA gallery is also fantastic. I like the statue but would like to see more marble on her face to make it more realistic but its just my opinion. Keep up rockin' Cindy!
Congrats for the DD:) You have deserved it, but your whole DA gallery is also fantastic. I like the statue but would like to see more marble on her face to make it more realistic but its just my opinion. Keep up rockin' Cindy!

Thank you so very much :)

Well I dont know if I want marble on her face...
I will think about it, maby you´re right but I dont know yet :)
Oh my Goddess!
Perfect or almost perfect (who i'm to criticize you but transition between hair and forehead catch eyes) anyway it's amazing!

P.S. If you wouldn't mention that it is statue i would guess that because of skin color close to natural. Maybe more marble would be better. But will not that make loose some "depth" of face or something?
Oh my Goddess!
Perfect or almost perfect (who i'm to criticize you but transition between hair and forehead catch eyes) anyway it's amazing!

P.S. If you wouldn't mention that it is statue i would guess that because of skin color close to natural. Maybe more marble would be better. But will not that make loose some "depth" of face or something?

Thank you for saying that thing about the hair and forehead. I have change that part over and over again. The forehead was very much like the marble hair at the beginning. Then I changed it. But as I wrote, I am not sure about it. So I think you are right about the color tone. Now I am more sure when someone else also can see its wrong.

But there is also a thing I want. I dont want her to be just as white as like white marble, I want some pink tone on her, but maby not so much.
I will absolutly change the tone on her forehead as soon as possible. LOL

thanks :)
Your're absolutly welcomen!

It is my pleasure if my note is usefull for you.
And thank you for sharing your PS beauty! :)
I wish the 'like' button here was ten times larger, especially for great items like that.
Wow absolutely amazing work Marble Woman is beautiful and you will deserve all the credit you get on her. I'm jealous this is one of the best pieces I have seen in a very long time!
I'm so happy today so I just have to tell you about it. I got a DD on Deviantart for my picture "Let No One Decide over your head"
Congratulations !! :thumbsup:
Now how many DD's are there now .. ? And every one of them well deserved, indeed !

And this one... No, I don't think you should try to make her more marble. This balance between stone and skin is what makes the magic imo.

And I can only agree with SeniorS on the forehead there. The shapes in the top hairs and hairs to forehead gives me a sense of "shaving foam" (no offense). Could do with a bit more structure and shadows ( yeah, there we go again .. /lol ).
Perhaps you could do something with using her own original hair .. ?
What can I say? If I didn´t know you were going for a realistic marble surface, I wouldn´t have said anything but WOW!!! as usual :) I still say WOW, because I like it the way it is no matter what you were going for lol! :)
Ok, now that I have looked closer, I can see that there is somehting starnge about the difference between the hair directly on top of her head, with the hair on the sides and the ponytail. It does look a little like you haven´t decided if you want the hair to look like marble or hair. :)
Ok, now that I have looked closer, I can see that there is somehting starnge about the difference between the hair directly on top of her head, with the hair on the sides and the ponytail. It does look a little like you haven´t decided if you want the hair to look like marble or hair. :)

Yes you´re right. Now I have made some changes. But I dont like it anyway.
The color is now after my change too boring I think.
Congratulations !! :thumbsup:
Now how many DD's are there now .. ? And every one of them well deserved, indeed !

And this one... No, I don't think you should try to make her more marble. This balance between stone and skin is what makes the magic imo.

And I can only agree with SeniorS on the forehead there. The shapes in the top hairs and hairs to forehead gives me a sense of "shaving foam" (no offense). Could do with a bit more structure and shadows ( yeah, there we go again .. /lol ).
Perhaps you could do something with using her own original hair .. ?

Thank you so much JgraphNet This was my fourth DD´S and I am very happy of course. :)

About this Marble woman........I dont know what to say. I have done a new version. Its uploaded here. I have made a lots of changes but I still dont like the result.
It feels like I have to rest from this for some time. If I can haha
