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Photoshop 7 Book

cool I have his inside ps 6 book I hope it will be as easy to read :perfect:
Thats the book a friend of mine was writing about 7 that I told you about Sue :) ,thats also where the Castle model went as well to Gary :),I couldnt say anything as I sworn to secrecy.

Gary writes excellent Photoshop books and Erik will back me up on that one :D

Thanks vee :)

I will see if I can get Gary to come and tell us about the new book :D ....he is probably pretty busy though,but I will try :)

I'd Wait!

If it were me, I'd wait until the Limited Edition of the same book comes out later on!

I fell for that with the Inside Photoshop 6 book, went out and got the first version, then a few months later a much better Limited Edition came along, which I also bought! (so I have two copies of the same book in essence!)

Hang tight!
I just talked to Gary and he is going to rock on by sometime and see us :D

Here is some info he sent me about the book.


The writing is entirely done, and in the same tradition as the other Inside Photoshop books, my tone of voice is friendly, more like a colleage than a teacher. Expect the book out this summer, and I think it will be one of the first books out on Photoshop. Expected 1,200 pages, with each part of the book devoted to special interests: Photoshop for Photographers, Photoshop for Artists, a "hub" that is a reference center for the books, and a massive book-within-a-book, "Gary Potter's Photoshop Tricks", easily 70 pages witrh 128 screen captures.

attached are some from the book. By the way, in my estimation, there is more info and sheer energy in this book than any other, by a LONG ways. I pumped my heart into this sucker, and there are guest appearances in the book that will surprise and delight people, and I will NOT say who the contributors are!
There ya have it guys :)

No I dont know who the secret guests are......no really I dont :D

Gary is an absolute fountain of knowledge when it comes to PS and he is also a hard case as well :)


Hard case? He seems like a very amiable guy to me. Fun guy to chat with. Would be great for him to visit our forum. I love his books since PS 4. Everything I know about PS sprung from his writings. Here'e another image from Gary........

Stu, I won't be surprised if you were a contributor in his book. Proud to meet you.

sounds cool to me roll on summer! he he he

mystery guest - sigh I wasn't invited ha ha ha

hope he does find time to pop in
Thanks vee :) proud to meet you to bud :D

Hard case means funny :)

Sue he will :)


now wouldn't it be cool if he set us a project and suggested ways of changing it and making it better he he he
Oh so ya beat me to it huh dv8!?
hahaa DOH! [doh]

Ok... score one for you bud! :perfect:
I'll get the next one! :\

I've removed my thread now too.
No biggy.
you're Great kiwi.

Sir Mark, that image got somethingto do with you , right?

dv8_fx, it would be great to get a siged copies from the Great Gary, what do you think guys, i'll buy one siged copy.

