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Photoshop File Opens as Black Background Layer

Tom Heffer

New Member
So I was working on a college assignment when my laptop crashed. Luckily I'd saved my work right before this happened.

In the file preview when I'm opening the file, it shows what I was working on, but when I open that photoshop file it just presents me with a solid black background layer, when I should have about 10 layers of work for my perfume advertisement.

I'm running photoshop CS5 extended on Windows 7, if that means anything.
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So your not opening your work in Photoshop? If you saved it as a .psd then you have to open it in an adobe program to see it. And not all of them will show it in your layers.
Yeah I'm opening the file in photoshop but like I said it just shows a black layer instead of my work. The file size is still the same as well.
What Extention did you save it as? .jpeg, gif.........

What was the reason your laptop crashed?
When you open and it's only one layer unless you have a backup you out of luck imo
Well I've never had this happen, so I'm not sure what to tell you. iDad, you got any suggestions for Tom?
Is it possible you flattened the image before saving it by mistake?

Does your layers palette only show one layer with a lock icon? If so I'm not sure if there is anything you can do.

You are welcome to post up the PSD file here and we can take a look, in case it is just your Photoshop causing the problem.
................... In the file preview when I'm opening the file, it shows what I was working on, .............
A preview in Bridge or any other program is probably going to be a low resolution jpg.
If you rebuild the thumbnails you'll probably get a black preview.

I agree with admin, post the psd, if nobody can open it unfortunately it's probably corrupt.
those 10 layers are all in black..and in psd extension..try to uninstall your photoshop..because you said you have just save the file before it crashed..see if it's work maybe the program had the problem..!!!!just a thought..
