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Photoshop only shortcut keys


Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S Save the opened document for Web
Ctrl+Shift+P To change Page Setup for printing
Alt+Ctrl+P Print the opened document with preview
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+I To display the info of opened file
Ctrl+Q Used to exit from adobe Photoshop
Ctrl+Z To undo/redo the last changes
Alt+Ctrl+Z Go to one step backward
Shift+Ctrl+Z Go to one step forward
Ctrl+X or F2 Used to cut the selected area
Ctrl+C or F3 Used to copy the selected area
Ctrl+V or F4 Used to Paste the copied value
Image Menu shortcuts
Ctrl+L To adjust the color levels
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+L To adjust the auto Contrast
Ctrl+B Used to adjust the Color and Tone balance
Ctrl+U Used to adjust the Hue/Saturation
Ctrl+Alt+X Used to Extract the selected area
Ctrl+I Used to Invert
Layer Menu Shortcuts
Ctrl+N Used to insert new Layer
Ctrl+J Used to move Layer via copy
Ctrl+Shift+J Used to move Layer via cut
Ctrl+G To create the Group of layers
Shift+Ctrl+G To create the ungroup of layers
Ctrl+E Used to Merge the Layers
Ctrl+Shift+E Used to Merge Visible
Select Menu Shortcuts
Ctrl+A Used to select all
Ctrl+D Used to deselect all
Alt+Ctrl+A Used to select all layers
Shift+Ctrl+D Used to reselect
Filter Menu Shortcuts
Alt+Ctrl+X Used to extract the selected image
Shift+Ctrl+X Used to Liquify the selected image
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+X To create the Pattern Preview
Ctrl+F Used to view the last Filter
Filter Menu Shortcuts
Ctrl++ or Ctrl+= Used to apply Zoom in
Ctrl+- Used to apply Zoom out
Ctrl+0 Used to view as Fit on screen
Ctrl+R Used to display the Rulers
F9 Used to display the Actions panel
F5 Used to display the Brushes panel
F6 Used to display the Color panel
