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Please help with a colour issue


Hi Gurus. I'm having a colour issue and was wondering if anyone can tell me what is happening. This is the issue...


The image on the left shows the original NEF RAW file and the image to the right shows the saved TIFF file, this is how I see them on my PC. Note the colour shift. Why is this colour shift happening? I haven't made any alterations with colour except saving the TIFF as sRGB colour space (Convert Profile). This shouldn't mean anything as I have saved the image "Uncalibrated" and "Adobe RGB" and the colour shift is the same, too much cyan and not the blue in the NEF version. I've also set WB to As Shot and Auto but there exactly the same effect happens. The TIFF file colours while in Ps looks the same as the NEF, it's only when I save it that I get this shift. I've also opened the RAW file in Ps in ProPhoto, Adobe RGB (1998) & sRGB but the effect is the same in all cases.

The RAW process is basic with little done.

1. Open RAW file in ACR.
2. Adjustment Brush to lighten the shadows in the wreck.
3. Lower Sharpening to zero.
4. Apply Lens Profile/Remove CA
5. Open RAW in Ps CS6 as 16 Bit TIFF file.
6. Save TIFF file.

Any help
would be a err... help. Many thanks

Well, you know the color gamut of your original raw file is so much wider than sRGB, you have to expect some loss. AdobeRGB is a little wider than sRGB, but either will require post-conversion adjustment.

The question is; are all of your images color-shifting consistently? Convert a batch of varying images and analyze the color shift in each one. If you can nail down a common adjustment, you can include it in your generic conversion action.
I think the big clue you gave us is in this statement:

"... The TIFF file colours while in Ps looks the same as the NEF, it's only when I save it that I get this shift. ..."

If I read this correctly, it says that the OP has compared two files (...ok, two versions of the same file) and they look essentially identical within PS, but different in other applications).

If my interpretation of this statement is correct, then one can immediately conclude:

a) the two files must be different, at least in some way (...because other applications render them differently)

b) whatever is causing the difference between them and visible in (a) is nullified by PS.

The one thing that almost always causes this behavior is when two files are related to each other by a color profile conversion, are indeed tagged with the correct profiles, but, once outside of PS, you are looking at them with software applications which, unlike PS, are not color managed. In addition, for this scenario to work, nothing much in the original could have been out of gamut w.r.t the conversion process.

The correct way to check if the above hypothesis is correct is to examine the two files using a good EXIF viewing program and see what color profile is attached to each. If they are different, you have your answer, and implicitly, your solution, as well.


Tom M
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Thank you Renegade and Tom. The image was taken with the Nikon D800E and the in camera colour space is set to Adobe RGB (not stated if it's 1998). So when I open the RAW in ACR the default setting to open in Ps is Adobe RGB 1998 - 16 Bit TIFF. If I then Convert to Profile and I set to Adobe RGB I still get this colour shift (once the file is saved). I have shared the original RAW in my SkyDrive if you have the time to download it http://sdrv.ms/15XNPF7 . The Convert to Profile dialogue box reads as follows. 1.Source Space = Adobe RGB (1998). 2. Destination Space = Adobe RGB (1998). 3. Engine Adobe (ACE). 4 Intent = Saturation. Use Black Point Compensation box is checked. In Advanced RGB is selected "Working RGB-sRGB IEC61966-2.1. I hope this helps you help me. It seems no matter what profile I open with/save with the effect is the same. The side by side view is the thumbnails in my Windows 7 desktop folder. Many thanks. (on a side note, I can't seem to use PG Forum's text editor (can't use the enter, or unbold text hence just a long paragraph). Scott
