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Question: Appearance after Merging group.


Power User
Hey everyone, I'm still busy learning bits & bobs. Haven't been posting a lot recently but I have a question about something that is foxing me. I will use the below Bubble image as an example.

If I make an image using (in most cases) multiple layers, but my end goal is to have a single layer png with transparent background. I find when I merge the group, the end result never looks like the original, and no amount of blending fixes it. Am I missing something simple, or is that just the way it is.?


The bubble isn't merged with the bg, just merged into it's own layer, but as you can see the difference however subtle is still different.

Just as an extra note. I even tried exporting to png, instead of merging, but the loaded png has the same result.
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Hey Grant. Great to see you!

Can you upload your example images to see if I/we can replicate your problem?

How are you merging? Merge down, merge visible, or flatten image? Does it happen when you stamp visible? (Shift + Cmd/Cntrl + Alt/Opt + E)
Hi Sam, thx. I 1st tried merge layers, then I grouped them and tried merge group.

I will upload the PSD, it will be better to experiment with. The bg is just a blurred shape, as I was using it to gauge transparency.


  • Bubble.zip
    1.6 MB · Views: 6
Just to let you know I haven't forgotten about this.

This is very odd. Still working on it!

There are major differences in the bubble after a merge.
This is the bubble only.

Screen Shot 2015-02-07 at 8.26.20 AM.png
You have a group of layers of different blend modes and Opacity values.
There is no way to merge them to one layer with the same result. One layer simply can't have different blend modes :cry:

Next. You can't save the layer with other then "Normal" blend mode without bg to png file and expect it to behave like in PS. PNG does not support blend modes.:cry: PS will simply change the blend mode to Normal while saving it to PNG.

So as I understand from you post, if you have the Layer Group in Normal instead of Pass Through mode (or other blend mode), make all Layer effects as you desire, then subsequently Merging the group will yield the same result as with the Group intact.

Your explanation makes perfect sense to me. Thanks
