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only half a tip now. the answer will come later on...

Question: given that you can use Shift to Add to a selection, and Alt Subtracts from a selection; given also that Shift restraints the ellipse marquee to a circle, and that Alt makes you start drawing from the centre: how will you, using only these keys, the grid an snap to on, and your mouse/pen to drag, draw a square selection and add a circle exactly to the centre of one of its corners?

It's simply a question of dragging, pressing, letting go, pressing again etc.
:perfect: well I think I figured it out, but I'll tell ya it aint easy and you need good dexterity with your fingers ! ;)

Hopefully Erik, you have an easier way than the key combo I used? (hopefully! heh) look forward to your method
good question Erik

yeah VP thats a tricky one...yep you gotta be quick on the keyb. [stuned]

I have 2 different methods but the tricky one was fun to do

We're all good piano players, aren't we?

Indeed, if you don't use the correct sequence, you're stuck.

Just let some other friends join us. It's fun to try out things like that. Besides: it's a method I often use, and thanks to it, I did find this &@???!???$?? Win2K shortcut that caused me so much...

I looove shortcuts.
Ctrl+H wow
Ctrl+" to show/hide the grid
Ctrl+Alt+Shift while booting to get rid of your prefs file
Shift and +or- to cycle through the blending modes

etc etc...

the more you know, the more you can work in Full Screen mode.
cool :) Looking forward to seeing if we are all using the same method!!!

I'll be watching this thread like a hawk!
I use Ctrl+" and it works...in PS7 that is. May be different in PS6, dunno...as I already deleted that from my biomech HDD.
I know that in most shortcut lists they use your one.
I won't wait much longer...if no-one reacts, then I might continue with private messages...
Using only shortcuts, I choose Ctrl+" to get the grid (snap to is on default, and I always have my rulers on). With M I get the Marquee tool, blahblah and I draw my rectangle.
Then I choose the ellipse, and here we go:
1/ press Shift to add to the selection
2/ start dragging from the corner where you want the circle and
3/ let go of shift and press it again to restrain to a circle
4/ press alt to snap to the centre
5/ release the mouse and then shift and alt.

I am desillusioned because this is one incredible useful trick and I had expected hundered of enthusiastic replies...but yes: the cr?me de la cr?me did respond...

exellent Erik!!!!!!! much more efficient than how I did it. I must have been born in the 'stone age' lol

heres how I did mine (warning: warm up fingers first!!!)

1. create square selection first
2. shift to add to selection and drag out circle using grids as ref
3. at the same time, press the 'space' bar and reposition the circular selection using the 'snapping' to allow the circle to center itself where needed. (over the corner of the corner of the square selection in this case)

Your method is much better Erik, and more accurate too imho. Mine is more of a fudge method!

kudos Erik and thanks for sharing that :)
Whoops...never expected that...[saywhat]

Keyboard=musical instrument>chord combinations.
Yes, that must have done it...
well here is my method. not very different from Erik's.

gotta try VP's method :)

animated gif below
Hey, OZ, you frogot that you must add to the selection with the shift shortcut. Sooo...your method is the same.

Gosh, we three are in-cre-di-ble, aren't we???:D

By the way: I just LOVE the idea of using an anim GIF for this...
you know guys I am reading all of this and when I am not sneaking onto the board instead of packing and have more time I am going to try all of your methods

I do know that on saturday I was selecting something and looking at the screen I must have pressed the crt and alt buttons instead of the shift because my selection was subtracted from moved from the origianal place but left a faint line there etc - I didn't have more time to play around with it sadly but I can see there is more to the magic wand, square and circle selection tools than meets the eye!

shucks Erik he he he

well here is what I accidently learnt last weekend.......

I pressed the crtl instead of the shift you see........ while pressing the down arrow I will show you...........
then clever me did this looking to see what else I could do......
now this one I used the magic wand instead of the square selection tool then pressed the Crtl+Alt+down arrow and look at what it did!
okay better get back to packing! see ya next coffee break time he he he
