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This image is Photoshopped or not?


Hello guys. I was looking for the net to find a site with Photoshop people and finally i found you guys.

Ok, here is the deal.

I was looking at this image :

View attachment 23104

Link: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/270574_10152215438235641_1315050527_n.jpg

I saw something rare in the back of that picture. In the right, look at the cars. Is there something weird there? I think is photoshopped but i want people with experience that can help me prove that is photoshopped or if isnt.

Area you described zoomed in and lightened, i see nothing weird?
I believe that it is an image of a nearly empty road, with a crowd of people placed on top. If you look at the red arrows, they point to blue flares/ objects, that don't match the image properly. The cars look to be an original part of the image. The green arrow points to a banner that has been blurred too much in an attempt to make it merge into the image properly, but there is other banners further back that are slightly clearer, ruling out the possibility it is the lens focus that created the blur.
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Looks to me like the crowd has been superimposed. The whole crowd has an interesting blue-wash like the crowd was taken at a different time of day and merged with a dusk photo..
