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Toggled Something on and Can't Toggle Off :(

Deborah Jezekova

New Member
I am quite an experienced Photoshop user but have managed to do something that is driving me nuts.

Suddenly I have permanent editing boxes around every item. I mean, when I click on a layer, the item on that layer has white lines around it, with rotation, resizeing boxes.

Now sure, this would be handy at times, but it is on EVERYTHING, and makes seeing what I am doing hard.

I must have accidently turned it on with a keyboard shortcut, but have no idea how to stop it again. I have googled, but also not sure what to call this, so not found anything yet.

I would be VERY greatful to anyone who can tell me how to get my layers and selections back to normal, please.
Go to your "View" tab up top, scroll down to the "Show" dropdown, unclick "Layer Outlines".

Mine are blue, so it's possible there's a setting for the layer outline colour, but I'm pretty sure that's the option.
It may be a corrupt preferences file.

Start Photoshop and immediately hold down Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Windows)
or Command+Option+Shift (Mac OS X).

Then, click Yes to the message, "Delete the Adobe Photoshop Settings file?"
