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vanishing point or perspective?


Active Member
I am trying to align the tire with the road and also set the tire back abit down the road.

I tired to add a psd attachment but the pop window for that is strange indeed LOL

What exactly do you need help with? There are a few things you'll need to do and perhaps more depending on what you want the end result to be. You're lucky that your background image has nice straight lines to help you out with perspective. Regardless of the image, its often helpful to overlay lines on a new layer to get a better understanding of where the camera actually is. You'll just need to use the transform tool and size it appropriately depending on how far back you'd like it to be. Also adding a shadow will help it blend into the scene better.

I think he wants someone to go into the picture and swing the wheel around and then push it down the road a bit.
iamsam thats exactly what i was trying to do.I see you used a different tire? while thats ok i was looking to see if photoshop turn the tire i had without going into 3d.

thanks gary
iamsam thats exactly what i was trying to do.I see you used a different tire? while thats ok i was looking to see if photoshop turn the tire i had without going into 3d.

thanks gary
It is possible but it will take you much more work than just using a different image. I did this in a couple minutes so it's pretty rough but it can be done. You'll need to warp the hell out of it basically to try and get it at the correct angle.

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ok thanks RTC i'll give that a try, I see it messes up the lines somewhat. maybe using a better aligned tire in the first place would be better. Being a noob with PS, idk it would be a pain, i thought there was some cool trick like perspective.

thanks gary
Hey Mechtec, I agree with RTC, turning or rotating the tire from your post image would be a minor pain. It's much easier to locate a tire which is already in the proper alignment for the way you would like to use it.

Ps's 3D would only extrude from the original tire image so it would appear odd.

Sometimes using the distort transform works. Hold ctl/cmd and move the corners. But like the others said, this will probably also need warping and may be next to impossible to entirely achieve. But you can add some perspective to it fairly easily.

But after a point . . .

This is a few minutes working with the distort and warp tool.


As you can see, too much transformation and you lose clarity. You would then need to sharpen the tire and I don't know how much that would help. I think if you practice and do it in few moves, it would transform and keep its sharpness better.
