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wedding photo to ps if anyone got free time.

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im not to bothered if there other people ae taken out of the photo. other than the minister and my sister and her man.
ive played with it a bit myself but its boring and ie no great skills on the filtering on cs4.
however this style of pic of the man i love its vibriant colours and its tones ...
il leave it up to you . origanal image is 35mg approx.. jpeg cheers
this is the style i so love ..


cheers lads.
Your links lead to spam and your PM message NOT VERY CLEAR FYI
hotfile regular download no spam . other is a pic on tiny pic.
direct image here but the origanal being 35 mg u will have to dl it if decide to work on it .
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George, if you would please just upload your images (as more than one of us asked of you last post), then you will find that more members will consider helping you out. You say it's safe and it probably is, but 1) some ppl don't want to chance it, and 2) not everybody wants to fill their hard drive, even briefly, with rar files just to complete a freebie request. Come to think of it, 3) not everybody has zip opening software. I know. it's easy enough to download and use, but I went years without needing it, so I didn't have it. Give us a break and we can give you one in return. TY
If you're going to print this you need to post a very high resolution if it's only For devices 72 resoluion is fine shrink it down the 7,360 x 4,912 not forum friendly
I'm giving up on this one. I posted a low res attempt at this, which is useless as far as a print would go, and it never made it past the police and now I see it is totally gone with no explanation. I saw no harm in the way he posted this and I had no harm come to me from downloading it. It was not the best photo, although it was a large file it had a lot of noise in it and would need a good bit of work to make it suitable for print, which I assume would be george0's intent. Sorry, I guess I messed up. Would not relish doing it as a freebie either.
HERE IS A screen shot
Screen Shot 2013-03-08 at 11.42.58 AM.png
if someone wants to give it a go. He also want to match this style3162lgx.jpg the file is full of noise , needes some serious time.good luck
sorry on hearing all the noise related photo issues but it was taken by a friend .... i understand nobody wants to do it ....
mabye some body will look at it over the weekend again?
It's definitely a challenge some my want to kill some time with it.you never know who may be looking to get Recognition from such a challenge. Good luck
George0, I would like to take this on for the heck of it. I think I can work with the noise. Maybe.

I know I can remove the minister, replace those washed out gauzy curtains, fix the couple so they have the right lights and shadow. But it will be plenty of work. So, like Inkz asked, before I start any work, or anyone does for that matter, what is your budget for this?

Thanks. I have downloaded the images and will wait for your reply.
I had time to spend on the photo. I haven't finished the minister and the drapes. The rest could be worked some more but that might be too much, if it isn't already. Here is a thumbnail for you to review and let me know if it's going in the direction you like. Given the resolution, the noise, the lack of detail in the underexposed couple, there wasn't a whole lot to improve, but I tried.

Well, though the OP and I have agreed upon a discounted rate for this 4 hours of work, the money has ot gone into my PayPal account since he agreed and I told him the terms of my sending him the jpeg and psd if he wanted it, ie: I receive payment, he gets the file, full resolution. I will hold onto this for 24 hours more george0, then I will delete this work. It was good practice, one way or another. It's always fun to figure out new techniques and satisfactorily work out the problems along the way. So, those were 4+ hours well spent, but a deal is a deal.

Georeg0, I am closing tis thread now as done. If you would like it reopened, let me know. I can publish the results here for you so that you can download them, rather than have me send them to you at your Dublin address or email. Please PM or email me and let me know what is the next step. Thank you for the work. I hope you appreciate it and though I know you are working on a tight budget, as you said it is a lovely thing to do for your sister.
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