Here are some possible suggestions that you may or may not consider. Not trying to tell you how you want it to look, just adding a few tips on making the controller look more "believable".
1. Green Arrow - As stated above, adding or preserving the native shadows and shading adds to a more realistic appearance. The white was achieved with a Levels Adj layer.
2. Yellow arrows - In your version, these were not selected and masked. They have a strong "pinkish" tint. Selecting an masking the control sticks preserves the original color.
3. Orange arrow - In your version, the buttons were not selected and masked. They also have a strong "pinkish" tint. Selecting and masking these buttons preserves their native colors.
4. Due to time, I did not take the time to mask our the "white" edges top and bottom as you did. I have no preferences on how it looks, only the white should appear as natural as the other buttons.
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