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Illustrator Resize and keep original


New Member
Hi all, anyone know the best way to resize a circle and keep the original? I want to end up with two circles with the same centre. I thought I could hold down shift and option keys to do this, but it doesn't seem to work...

Thanks in advance,
The nearest I can get to this after some experimentation is to copy the original in place, then resize holding down shift to keep the centre spot.
You can use the shape tool and create a path. Enter the dialogue box and click from center. You can also enter the measurements you want here under fixed size, or you can try proportional. Be sure to select the center option on the shape tool menu, the one that has the pen tool tip. Go to the paths palette after you draw your circle and save it. Then go back to the shape tool and draw another. Activate the selection in the paths palette by ctl/cmd clicking on the path layer.
From the main menu: Select-Transform Selection, hold down alt+shift while transforming.

OOPS, didn't notice this was Illustrator... Duplicate the circle layer, with the new circle selected hold shift+alt and resize.
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Duplicate the circle and the holding the shift key make the circle smaller to keep the same proportions. Click on the original circle layer that you did not re size. Press cltr+t and copy the x and y coordinates and then click on the circle layer you make smaller and then paste in the x and y coordinates and this will put both circles in dead center with each other.
Another way: Object-Transform-Scale set the scale % then click Copy-Okay. You can also use the align tools to place objects accurately.
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OOOPs, as usual multiple ways to make these objects. I also didn't notice it was Illustrator so I don't know if my advice applies, but it is similar to Hawkeye's second post, in case you should ever want to reproduce the effect in PS.
