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  1. C

    just a though. Can learning how to draw can also improves your photography?....

    yeah thanks! I think my biggest hurdle will be my laziness. hehe!
  2. C

    just a though. Can learning how to draw can also improves your photography?....

    lol thank you claire! :) may I should concentrate first on Color and contrast? then composition and etc. what do you think?
  3. C

    just a though. Can learning how to draw can also improves your photography?....

    thank you! one of my purpose that I forgot to jot down was to improve how I see. can you suggest a good practice to improve this? :)
  4. C

    just a though. Can learning how to draw can also improves your photography?....

    good point! so the best way is to study others phorograph I guess?
  5. C

    just a though. Can learning how to draw can also improves your photography?....

    just a though. Can learning how to draw can also improves your photography? this just came into my mind. I want to master landscape photography and we all know that we cannot always be at the location (reason: money and time). so I thought I want learn how to draw landscapes for the purpose of...
  6. C

    Desirable resolution for the web

    I will, I'll just have to finish my remaining school works :)
  7. C

    Desirable resolution for the web

    noted sir! thank you for the advice. :) I guess I'll just have to leave this problem behind
  8. C

    Desirable resolution for the web

    sorry for that, what I meant was dimensions. hehe! Is 800 x 600 ok for the web?
  9. C

    Desirable resolution for the web

    Hi guys what is the best resolution do you use when uploading images on the net to avoid grabbing/stealing of photos? (ex. on facebook, flickr etc)
  10. C

    I was wondering if this is possible in photoshop?

    this is what i'm looking for! thank you very much!! :yourock:
  11. C

    I was wondering if this is possible in photoshop?

    can I make a selection of all warm/cool colors in photoshop then tweak them all at the same time? Is this possible? tried selective color but it doesn't touch all my warm/cool colors, but still it is helpful I also tried in LAB mode, channels a and b saturate the whole image, still it is also...
  12. C

    Looking for tutorials/information regarding these topics

    thank you paul! great help! :)
  13. C

    Looking for tutorials/information regarding these topics

    thank you for the link! Godbless! :) hmmm. I want to practice RAW files that came out straight from the camera :) thank you for that advice. I can't also find raw images. hehehe
  14. C

    Looking for tutorials/information regarding these topics

    Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum :) My goal in joining PSG is to have my images as clean and beautiful as those in flickr and 500px in terms of post production. I'am a hobbyist landscape photographer :) right now I'am not shooting in the field because of school works, so i decided to improve...
  15. C

    Hello psg!!

    thank you for the advice mate! I will do that :)
  16. C

    Hello psg!!

    Hi everyone!:) I'am new to this forum but not on photoshop( I do basic editing ), I'am a hobbyist and i'am into landscape photography :) what I want to learn from this forum 1. about LAB (to help me boost color on my landscape shots) 2. Sharpening 3. Noise reduction 4. Non - destructive...