Photoshop Gurus Forum

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  1. IamSam

    Still Life Digital Painting (study)

    As promised, I have some more art to contribute. I was getting ready for a dog painting but I recently became interested in posting a still life painting for the purpose of establishing myself as a credible digital artist who knows a little about what he's talking about. I'm not trying to prove...
  2. M

    patching problems

    hi guys how to patch these corners here,i tryed every tool possible patching under the picture and around but for some reason it starts to copy the picture thanks
  3. M

    Anyone know about Snapbridge?

    So where I live out in the wilds I can't get a mobile phone signal. I am assuming this is the reason I can't pair my camera with my phone to start Snapbridge? Somehow I thought it may work through the wi-fi?
  4. agentmoeller

    PANIC poster...

    ...for no particular reason.
  5. A

    Urgent Request - Unwrinkled Shirt

    Hello, This is my first post, after reading all the rules please remove if I didsomething wrong. I am hoping to get my son's shirt unwrinkled. Also the blueplaid at the bottom near his waist line shouldn’t be sticking out like that. Itried my hardest to get the file to upload but for some...
  6. IamSam

    Challenge #40: Submission thread - COMPLETE THE IMAGE

    Here's the submission thread for PSG Challenge #40! A big thanks to MrToM for coming up with the latest challenge titled COMPLETE THE IMAGE. All submissions will be hidden and can only be viewed during the voting period. If you have any comments or would like to engage in friendly...
  7. gedstar

    Challenge #39: Submission Thread PSG, The Magazine

    :hi: All Well it's that time again, time for our latest Challenge. A big thanks to Eggy for coming up with the latest challenge :flamethro: All submissions will be hidden and can only be viewed during...
  8. gedstar

    Challenge #38, SUBMISSION THREAD - PSG, Revive dead things

    :hi: All Well it's that time again, time for our latest Challenge. A big thanks to Revnart for coming up with the challenge :flamethro: All submissions will be hidden and can only be viewed...
  9. gedstar

    Challenge #37, SUBMISSION THREAD - PSG, When Time Passes By

    :hi: ALL Firstly a big thanks to Eggy for coming up with the latest Challenge :flamethro: OK people it's that time again, time to get creative and show us some of your skills. Entries can be posted...
  10. Z

    Hello newbie here.

    Hi, I just joined today and I don't have much to say. The reason I came to this website is to learn, that is all. have a great day.
  11. T

    replicating this unique pixelated effect

    Hello everyone, ive been using photoshop for about a year and a half, and i now try to create art compositions on it. Anyways the reason why i came here was to know how to do this piwelated effect on the picture. Thank you in advance, TDB___ EDIT: Please upload your images in the future.
  12. J

    Trouble with Brushes

    Hi I have just bought a new ASUS laptop and installed my Photoshop CS5 on it. All seems to be well except for brushes. For some reason they are simply not showing up. Running Windows 8.1. Any suggestions or advice? cheers
  13. D

    Aniimation/Video Format

    Hi, I made an animation/video in Photoshop CS6 and exported as H.264 so it saves as mp4. For some reason I can't seem to sync the video to my iPhone. Am I saving it in the wrong format? Thanks.
  14. Paul

    Avatar reason.

    I thought i would start a thread asking why you have the avatar you do and what it means to you. Mine are all either my own creation or added to Googles. They have no meaning just meant to catch the eye or make you laugh, this current one is of the now dead Kim Jong, i made him into a...