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patching problems


Well-Known Member
hi guys

how to patch these corners here,i tryed every tool possible patching under the picture and around but for some reason it starts to copy the picture

part 1.png

Not sure I understand the problem here....could you re-iterate the question please?

Try as much as possible to use the proper terminology, it makes it so much easier to understand the problem...for example 'patch the corners' isn't really descriptive enough to ascertain what you mean....its neither a Photoshop term nor a technique.

I scanned a magazine here a old one and now i try to patch ups the edges and the corners.Make a look like digital one .
The edges are fine as long if there is not a picture near.I am using photoshop ,we are trying the healing tools and brushes but very hard too get same colour some times the picture next comes up as well.

any help to solve this puzzles

thanks muller
