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Photoshop Gurus Forum

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  1. Eggy

    Dedicated to a member

    I was looking at my submission for the challenge #45 and I thought, actually I can do better. But hey, I already posted my submission but no problem. So I started to work on something similar I had in my head. Once finished I remembered that one of our members is doing that sport, beside...
  2. gedstar

    Challenge #43: Submission thread My Song

    Here's the submission thread for PSG Challenge #43! A big thanks to Eggy for coming up with the latest challenge here My Song If you have any comments or would like to engage in friendly banter, feel free to do so here. Best of luck to all and looking forward to seeing some...
  3. gedstar

    Challenge #42: Submission thread The Wild West

    Here's the submission thread for PSG Challenge #42! A big thanks to Helios for coming up with the latest challenge here The Wild West All submissions will be hidden and can only be viewed during the voting period. If you have any comments or would like to engage in friendly...
  4. gedstar

    Challenge #41: Submission thread - Create Your Own Colorful Sneakers Poster

    Here's the submission thread for PSG Challenge #41! A big thanks to ChrisDesign for coming up with the latest challenge here Create Your Own Colorful Sneakers Poster All submissions will be hidden and can only be viewed during the voting period. If you have any comments or would like...
  5. IamSam

    Challenge #40: Submission thread - COMPLETE THE IMAGE

    Here's the submission thread for PSG Challenge #40! A big thanks to MrToM for coming up with the latest challenge titled COMPLETE THE IMAGE. All submissions will be hidden and can only be viewed during the voting period. If you have any comments or would like to engage in friendly...
  6. gedstar

    Challenge #39: Submission Thread PSG, The Magazine

    :hi: All Well it's that time again, time for our latest Challenge. A big thanks to Eggy for coming up with the latest challenge :flamethro:https://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum/photoshop-contests/57682-challenge-39-psg-magazine.html All submissions will be hidden and can only be viewed during...
  7. gedstar

    Challenge #38, SUBMISSION THREAD - PSG, Revive dead things

    :hi: All Well it's that time again, time for our latest Challenge. A big thanks to Revnart for coming up with the challenge :flamethro: http://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum/photoshop-contests/57480-challenge-38-revive-dead-things.html All submissions will be hidden and can only be viewed...
  8. gedstar

    Challenge #37, SUBMISSION THREAD - PSG, When Time Passes By

    :hi: ALL Firstly a big thanks to Eggy for coming up with the latest Challenge :flamethro:https://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum/photoshop-contests/57286-challenge-37-when-time-passes.html OK people it's that time again, time to get creative and show us some of your skills. Entries can be posted...
  9. dv8_fx


    A big Thanks to Helios for coming up with this challenge... Challenge #36 - PSG, the album! OK, restless natives..... HERE WE GO.... Welcome to OUTTATUN RECORDS. Post your demo entries here.... All submissions will be hidden and can only be viewed during the voting period. If you have...
  10. dv8_fx


    A big thanks to Paul for creating this challenge.... Challenge 35 - CREATE A DROID To all participating "MAKERS" ... Utinni!!! Welcome to PizzadaHutt's Junkyard - the place to upload your droid creations. All entries will be hidden and can only be viewed during the voting period. If you...
  11. dv8_fx

    Challenge 34 (Advanced) SUBMISSION THREAD - Street Art

    Thank you, chrisdesign for creating this new challenge. To all eager participants... UPLOAD YOUR ENTRIES HERE. All entries will be hidden and can only be viewed during the voting period. For new members and first time challenge participants, please refer to the challenge guidelines...
  12. dv8_fx

    Basic challenge #1 submission thread - create a mini planet

    Submit your mini planet creations here. Please keep this thread clear of comments. You can engage in banter and discussions in the Basic Challenge Announcement thread . All submitted images will be kept hidden for the duration of the contest and will be viewable only when the voting...
  13. dv8_fx

    BASIC CHALLENGE #1 - Create a Mini Planet

    WELCOME TO OUR VERY FIRST PHOTOSHOP BASIC CHALLENGE!!! To start the ball rolling.... The solar system was never the same ever since scientists kicked out it's smallest member - Pluto. But don't fret as all is not lost because this challenge requires you to..... CREATE A MINI PLANET IN...
  14. dv8_fx

    PSGURUS' Photoshop CHALLENGE Guidelines

    Welcome to the forum's Photoshop Contest Area. Our activities here are meant to be fun so we want everyone among you to take part in the creative competitions. The following are the guidelines for our Monthly Member Challenges: CHALLENGE 1. There will be 1 challenge per month. 2...
  15. dv8_fx

    Challenge 33 SUBMISSION THREAD - Winter Without Snow (Advanced)

    OK, folks.... upload your entries here. Please keep this thread clear of comments. You can engage in banter and hold discussions regarding the submissions in the Challenge Announcement thread ... Challenge 33 - Winter Without Snow (Advanced) Contest submission ends on Tuesday 19th January at...