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add/create triangle to Rectangular box


How To Generate This using PS cs5. Note: i need to add stroke/gradient Overly and ... effects to this.

Thanks For Any Help.
Hey OPenBSd! (do you use that OS?)

you can do this in many ways, one way is using the pen tool which may get the best and cleanest results, if you first check out this tutorial:

with your newly acquired knowledge either draw a rectangle, fill it on a new layer and then deselect the path and with the pen tool again, draw a triangle on another layer, fill it with the same color, reposition it so you are happy and then merge it with the rectangle layer, then you can apply the desired layer effects afterwards

OR you could do all on the same path and layer, which may be tricky to get the positioning right.

that's how I would do it, i have a rolling record of making life difficult for myself on Photoshop so my apologies if you either knew the pen tool basics already or if my explanation was complicated ;)
no problem hope they helped ;)

I love anything that's a Unix Derivative :D using Ubuntu with the KDE atm but i've got Arch, Fedora 16 and OpenBSD 5.1 on another computer.

my hatred for windows grows the more Unix based OSs i put on my PCs :p
