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Astronomical event

Re: Jet Fighter Wallpaper

yeah was not very clear here I went out with my camera couldnt see anything so going to try again at 4am Because I want to get the flaire
Re: Jet Fighter Wallpaper

it will be 4 Am I am sure it will be no different to sunset Just the flair may be an issue that is just a precaution anyway stick a good uv filter on your lens to be safe
Re: Jet Fighter Wallpaper

don't have one. mind you these Oakley glasses are huge. might use them instead XD
Re: Jet Fighter Wallpaper

I dont like them as a rule they can slightly take away contrast and slow your focus down but they do make excellent lens protectors
Re: Jet Fighter Wallpaper

I dont like them as a rule they can slightly take away contrast and slow your focus down but they do make excellent lens protectors

bah! focus schmocus, and the contrast is easily fixed ;)
Re: Jet Fighter Wallpaper

You have a modern camera right ???

So why would you disable image stabilisation or whatever it is called on pentax

your light metering

depth of field

selective focusing


I guarentee you are not using prime lenses so really you have no benefit to manual focussing
Re: Jet Fighter Wallpaper

You have a modern camera right ???

So why would you disable image stabilisation or whatever it is called on pentax
one word: tripod...

i have no benefit to anything, i'm expecting it to be cloudy anyway, it has been for most of the week.

anyway new thread for this please mr admin dude i thought you would have known better! :o XD
Ok that assists on image stabilisation on a calm day I just dont understand why you would sacrafice sharp well balanced lighting metered correctly DOF time saving just to say you can manage manual focussing
bleh! i've been using manual focus for ages now, to be honest the "manage" bit sounds little patronizing, it's not a case of being able to "manage it" it's a case of knowing how this broken camera behaves, and if it's one thing I do know, I get sharper images in manual focus these days. just saying, the focus went to hell with the flash and i know the EXACT cause of the problem, but of course, i can't get it shipped out

and last time i checked, the sun doesn't move very fast to us anyway. so... bit of a pointless argument really :P
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There is Good grounds to use manual focus dont get me wrong there is still a place for it. I just have this debate often with people who call themselves pure photographers that will rather miss a shot because they refuse to use auto focus. I dont get people that refuse to use it.

I have never seen anyone have consistantly sharp images from manual focus yeah maybe you get 1 or 2 in a row (handheld) But then why bother buying an expensive DSLR camera just to use a quarter of it.

If your saying your autofocus is faulty and does not work then yes use manual focus ( I still dont know why you have not replaced your camera while it is still under warranty.)

If you are a Purist believer then so be it but then for your money you could have bought a better manual focussing camera like some of the early Nikon D1s full frame Canon early generation digital cameras, You could have a good camera (not that anything is wrong with yours) and bought 10 manual focus old lenses for the price of 1 modern lens.

It is your choice at the end of the day it is your skill but I think whilst you are learning photography you should use the assistance of auto focusing.

if you are doing it to learn then I fully support that every photographer should learn manual focusing it does come in handy but from what I have seen in the pics you have posted 95% of them are soft focused and not DOF blurry i bought it up in this post http://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum...camera-repaired-me-thinks.html#post1533584583
fearing for my life that you would bite my head off you were not so calm back then lol.

I dont believe in the mentality of oh its ok I will fix it in photoshop as sharpening in PP comes with more problems of its own.

So yes use manual focusing to learn it as it will take you a while to learn on a dx camera it is about 75% harder than a full frame you are looking through a tiny view finder to assess the sharpness of a large image. but Dont miss shots because of your pride.

end of subject for me or we will be going in circles.

there is a place for both don't rule out auto focus because you think it is beneath you.
Re: Jet Fighter Wallpaper

the autofocus goes a little wild yes, i noticed it would not turn out well focused images, and i found that using manual focus these days is quicker and better than autofocus. I'm sure there's a setting i've mucked up somewhere that is causing this, i know i did play around with some of the advanced settings in a bid to find out what's up with the flash, that's how i learn by the way, pushing buttons and hoping, and viola! worked, the flash isn't charging, that's it there's either a loose wire or the battery is defective. my bet is the latter with how it behaves on the charger.

i've taken the issue up with the mothero and as soon as she gets the time. she will take it back and ask for a replacement.

I am still, as you can tell cr*p with photography, I learn slowly, and through practice. If i do something right by the "rules" or whatever, i usually think to myself "oh right that makes a better photo than that one because of this, this and this" as if i am told by someone what to do, it will go into my head, but it wont register in my next shots unless it happens by accident, if you catch my drift.

but most discussions we have on photography turn into a heated debate of somesort, usually a Nikon Vs Pentax and I don't want this turning into one of those things that will get at least one of us in a bit of a bad mood. yeah, so i agree, we should stop or we'll find ourselves sounding like a broken tape ;)
No there is nothing wrong with your camera in the sense that it is a pentax but I have seen what you are leaning towards and the truth is if you are ever going to get serious about Macro photography then you will need to use a macro ring flash for the perfect shot and to use any sort of flash you need the auto focus ( I am not sure what pentax call it but Nikon call it TTL) Where when you half push your shutter button the camera takes a light metering feeds the info back to your camera that determines the power of the flash to correctly expose your scene,

So sooner or later you will have to use it and unless you are using a manual light meter very hard to do with macro photography because as soon as it fires of the test flash to get the metering and you have put the settings into your camera you will find your subject is no longer there to take the pic of.
In fact, it's astronomical, big difference, astrology is making predictions, astronomy is the study of the universe
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