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AVATAR WARS III -Revenge of the Gurus

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There's Mount Rushmore and then, there's this. 3 Volcanoes: dormant, smoking hot, and hot headed!

Then there's the Lady of the Lake staying cool.

I don't know who that other creature is. I used to know him; that is, I did until I read his last post. :bustagut:

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Lol no those are just down by your knees now, I was thinking OLD
Gravity..... It's a scary thing lmao
Yeah, but you guys all claim that gravity only helps you out, right? as things get longer, or so I've heard, but then we all know how guys are with arithmetic. You know, they get confused . . . 6 = 8, stuff like that.
Are you trying say size matters lol
iDad droppin bombs on planet Clare today....


The age jokes ouch.....:cheesygrin:

But where are the images???:mrgreen:
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