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3D Cinema 4d revamped thread


Ok we all know cinema 4d was more of a background 3d program back in the day and until today the cinema 4d threads last post was 2003.

But cinema 4d is becoming 1 of the most popular 3d rendering software and has brilliant functionality with adobe products ie export to photoshop layers import from illustrator. Export alpha channels directly for use with after effects and so on.

So here it is lets get this thread started

feel free to post images, animations or even project files that you would like to share on this thread.

I will be working on making templates for cinema 4d and including project folders along with an after effects template for animation if needed or a phooshop template to boos your cinema 4d work.

So feel free to make a suggestion on what you would like a template on wether it be a simple animation a wallpaper for your desktop or just some cool 3d text.

But first of all lets introduce ourselves and see who uses this fantastic program and what they use it for.

I personally love it for animation like siple youtube intro videos making awesome looking wallpapers.

welcome to the new cinema 4d 2012 thread (nearly lol)
I use it too; mostly for models that I use in my 2d work or for models/animations in my videos. Excellent program in almost every aspect. Years ago there wasn't a lot support for it on the internet (like one English book and maybe 1 or 2 outdated videos), but this has changed a lot.
It is more popular amongst younger people and now I think there are more tutorials based on it than any other 3d software.
Cinema 4d revamped t

I would like to re-open this thread with another kind request for C4D tuts. I am finding it really hard to find tuts that walk you through the basics of the program.If anyone know where I can find a site with intro C4D tuts that are free that would be nice.
just seen this thread
c4dcafe is the site to go for c4d but you can also post questions here im sure i could help
thats if your still around (1 post)
thought i would post anyway for anyone else thats interested
I would like to reccomend a good plugin for cinema 4d and the best part is it is free.

The plugin is called Thraussi and it allows you to break down polygons easier and quicker than any C4D built in applications effectors etc.
you can get this plugin here

here are some examples with it in use.

The 1st video is using mograph text a few effectors rigid body tags based on fracture objects and plane effectors. As you can see it lets you colour the outside of your 3d text and the inside easily so when it is transforming you get 4 sets of colours.

I am sure many C4D users are aware of it but it is a good thing for simple youtube intros etc for newcomers to C4d.

Created my bedroom :D I was determined to learn the program at the time and I now have a good grasp of it
3dsmax vs c4d; you can achive the same thing from C4D as you can 3ds max and C4D's UI/Navigation/Features are alot easier to master... for me atleast
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Wahoo another c4 fan I agree it is a lot easier to use than 3dsmax I only have s max for that Krakatoa plugin and yet have not started to learn it yet even though it has been on my to do list for over a year lol.

are you using the white walls as a light source to light your scene there good idea.

Also has that got Vray rendering in as the textures seem more realistic than c4d standart textures.
I just used 2 light sources and one outside the skylight. I had Vray for 3dsmax but its so complex couldnt figure it out in the little time i spent trying I have seen some of the produce from vray and its amazing might try get it for C4D :)
Still nice all though my only critique would be is it appears slightly over saturated which is an easy fix.

Well lets hope more people share some work on here etc before DV8 revams a studio max thread and defends it to his death lol.

Yes Vray is tricky to learn at least with the normal render settings what you see on the screen is pretty much what you get when you render it just a lot nicer however vray I often find my self working with either black objects or transparant wait 5 mins for a fram to render and boom it is there all of a sudden.

People that say photoshop has a lot of things that are hardly touched should really go and have a long look at what makes up 3d programs literally 100's of toold and effectors.
Here is a couple of fun projects for you to play with and change the text etc if you want to custom make yourself an avatar and sig they are cinema 4d. To change the colour of the fluff in the moving eye 1 you will see a hair texture in your material pallette double click it and choose your colours. For best results add your own lighting and set the the shadows to soft mat. This forum does not recognise C4D files so I have put them in a rar for you.

The spam robot is not in this file I justdidnt save a basic 1 and to tired now to make another 1

View attachment c4d files.rar
