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Creating Tribals in PS 7...How do I do it?

Now onto bigger and better things!

I have tried doing the tutorial by Stoker, but right now it seems a bit cryptic! Btw, the one on making a 3d cube, spere or whatever.

I know I can get things to look 3d with the spherize filter, but not 3D!! I found the 3D Transform filter handy too, but that won't help me either!

The reason I ask is because I want to make that avatar spin on it's Y-axis and can't figure it out!

Can somebody decipher what that tutorial means and post it in simpler terms -- or am I stuck with it for now?
mflintjer said:
I have tried doing the tutorial by Stoker, but right now it seems a bit cryptic! Btw, the one on making a 3d cube, spere or whatever.
Best things to do is to wait for Stroker; only he seems to be able to decrypt them. :D :p

Btw, I would go to edit/transform/distort and pull the marked handle inwards while holding the shift key. Do this a few times and you'll notice that the image will flip. You can even make it look as if people are looking at the backside of the flipped image by changing the looks of the image as I've done in this image by changing the color for example.
The effect will look more convincing once you have a lot more frames than than in this quick example. ;)
Was able to do that, but didn't look as nice as the previous version!

Actually, I'm referring to rotating the entire orb on the Y-axis -- so that the front design slowly disappears and then reappears! I think I need a 3D rendering prog! Only prob there is that I need alot of time to figure one out to make it work for me first!! Time that I am running out of because the Surgeon that fixed my ACL has cleared me to go back to work!! }:\ This means I won't be able to create stuff as fast as before!


Oh well, I will be back here every night though, to talk to you all and ask around for some new tutes here and there!! Thank you to EVERYONE that has helped me to this point!! I wouldn't have gotten this far without your collective help and hints!!
:} :} :} :} :} :}
(small crowd cheering)

8[ IS GORT STILL HERE?! -- I will keep an open eye out for you!! 8[

Thank you MsOz for the thought provoking, and intellecually stimulating conversations and views -- they have caused me to go out and ask around about copyrights (I'll get back to you as soon as I find out one way or the other!!) :perfect:

Lastly, but certainly not leastly, thanx to the Keeper for creating one of the best forum sites, that I have ever had the priviledge of being a small part of!! :perfect: :D

I'll be back soon, and just as eager to learn more in PS!! :perfect:
Well, after about 14 total hours and it still isn't completely done, I thought I would start to wrap up this thread that I started by asking one simple question.

"Creating Tribals in PS 7...How do I do it?" was the question. The answer is: "Alot of hard work, long hours spent learning how to use the pen tool, a little imagination and most of -- inspiration!"

My "brain-child" that started this thread is about to come together. I spent the better part of yesterday and today coming up with the scorpion itself! I threw in the background glow and black backdrop to give you an impression of what is to come! Here is the Tribal Scorpion that I had had pictured in my mind since I started -- I hope you enjoy!

If you want to click on the Hyperlink to view picture at original size and resolution (1024 x 768 -- 600ppi)!


Your effort and enthusiasm are a wonder to behold! Here's a hearty round of applause from a small crowd of onlookers.

:} :} :} :} :} :}
mflintjer said:
Was able to do that, but didn't look as nice as the previous version!

Actually, I'm referring to rotating the entire orb on the Y-axis -- so that the front design slowly disappears and then reappears! I think I need a 3D rendering prog!

My fault; I didn't notice that you change subject in this thread and that it's now about an orb.

Btw, my example rotated around the edge, but holding ALT while moving the handle will "rotate" the object around the center.

And you think you need a 3D program for a spinning orb? You give up that fast? I never do! :p

This is Photoshop mflintjer, don't forget that. :D

I'll see if I can put together and example this week of a spinning globe.
holding ALT while moving the handle will "rotate" the object around the center.

Thanx for that tip, I'll try that one next time!!

And thanx Welles for the applause :D ! Like I said in my last post, I am not completely done yet, but am close! I'm trying to come up with a background that suits the above picture, but am having trouble with picking something to put back there! I thought about space scenes, lightning backgrounds, combinations of clouds and lightning -- but nothing seems to grab my eye!! I guess you could say that I have artists block! [confused] \:]

Anyway, thanx for the kudos, and maybe someone could let me know what THEY would like to see behind it!! :}
Thank you,

Now for the hard part -- coming up with something new to create [confused] 8} !

But you guys have missed the one little detail that makes this kinda' unique in the background. What is it -- he he he he!
