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I was hoping to get some advice on this piece I've been working on (drawn in Photoshop using a tablet). I had one person already suggest that it needed a little more contrast throughout...but I figured you guys may find more changes that are necessary.


well did you used a photo and added some layers and played with blending options and plug ins or is this a raw pic with only brushes, layers, plug ins and refferencion material? if its the second: you're awesome!
hoogleman, it looks kinda pixelly at the ears of the girl ;)
Heh...it was started on a completely blank layer, and just painted using different brushes and a tablet (including a bunch that were used for the hair that a friend made for me).

I have a .gif showing the progression of the piece (sorry I usually have more steps shown, but I kind've forgot to take screenshots on this one). >_<


And thank you for the advice, I really appreciate it! I will try to add a bit more sharpness throughout...because now that you mention it it does seem a little fuzzy in parts of it. ^_^
Oh and yes, there were a few reference pictures used to make sure I was keeping the right proportions and stuff (or to see how light falls on the skin, etc), but this definitely wasn't a photo manipulation or anything. :p

Here's another example of a piece-progression that is a little more informative (drawn hair-by-hair using the same Photoshop + Tablet) so you know I'm not just making it up or something. Haha...


(You may have to click on it for it to start the gif...for some reason)
Thank you!

...though...this sort've stuff totally isn't out of the realm of work that anyone else could do though. All you need is to have ABSOLUTELY NO SOCIAL LIFE so you have plenty of free time to work on crap like this. Hahaha... :lol:
how did you do that with the hair of the coyote? btw: YOU ARE TRUELY AWESOME!
The hair was just created with a very small brush (1-2 pixels) and a lot of Lighten/Darken tool. ;) (It's veeeery slow-going with that stuff)
On the girl, I would make some simple adjustment with the levels(bring the sliders in a bit on each side) and give her some more contrast and pop. Other than that, it's very nice.
Amazing painting - especially on the woman's hair - hard to get that look with Ps brushes. My hat is off to you.

WOW! I agree it could use more contrast, but I like the first version you posted way better than the more contrasty second one...
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