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Specific Crop my friend.


Hello, can someone please crop my friend that's on the left in this picture and make him an image that's just him and his head (without everything else in the image) so I can copy him and then paste him in various other photos of places like the vacationing gnome. I only have very basic MS Paint on my computer so if someone could make him an image without everything else I could just copy him and then open pictures of other places in MS Paint and paste him in like he's there on vacation. Thanks very much for your help!

Here's my try at it.
I see only 2 problems:
- Back of his head is cut off so you'll always have to put him in the same position;
- part of the background image shows thru his glasses on his left side
Hope this works for you.
- Jeff
traveling man edited.jpg
That looks great! Thank you very much! I see what you mean about the back of his head and glasses - I never thought of that. I could always put him on the far left, or reverse him and put him on the far right so the head will be ok. Maybe someone could artistically make the part in his glasses invisible too, so the background would show through and make it even more authentic! Everyone's stuck at home 'cause of COVID but he's gonna be a world traveler! Thanks again!
Is there a way to make that white area around him transparent so when I paste him he doesn't have the big white area all around him? Thank you.
