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CS6 Not Opening Images, Tools Not Working


New Member
Hey, I've had Photoshop CS6 installed for a long time, never had any real issues until today. Opened an image into it as usual and tried to use the Erase tool but it either didn't erase at all when I used it, or erased and then a moment later would essentially undo the action.

I gave up on it, closed CS6 down and opened it up again. Now it won't load any images. It doesn't matter whether I try opening from the file menu or just opening the image straight from windows explorer. It also does nothing if I try creating a new image, no windows pop up at all.

I haven't made any changes recently or anything like that, no updates.
I run Windows 8.

Any help is much appreciated.
Hi Koensigg,

First lets start with the usual culprit...
Check your "Flash Player" version.
I don't know how long ago you last used PS but Adobe have recently updated Flash due to security reasons.

Current version is

Try updating Flash first and we'll go from there.

Ok, that's a good start.

Next reset your PS preferences, something somewhere may or may not have corrupted them.

Follow THIS tutorial to reset.

If that doesn't work try cleaning the registry and a repair of PS CS6.

Failing that you may have to resort to a reinstall of PS.

Follow THIS tutorial to first clean and then re-install PS.

Its worth cleaning the registry after an un-install as well.

Something in that lot should work for you.

