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Cut images


New Member
I have a series of covers in a single image. Is there a way to cut them automatically so that the individual images are saved?

Below is an example

If you're looking to automate the process of slicing the image into individual covers in Photoshop, you can use the "Slice Tool" or the "Guides" to make precise cuts. Here's a step-by-step guide to do it:

### Using the Slice Tool ###
1. Open the Image in Photoshop:
- Open Photoshop and load your image (`collage.jpg`).

2. Select the Slice Tool:
- Click on the "Slice Tool" from the toolbar (it might be under the Crop tool).

3. Create Slices Manually:
- Click and drag to create slices over each cover. You'll need to make 16 slices in a 4x4 grid.

4. Export Slices:
- Go to `File` > `Export` > `Save for Web (Legacy)...`.
- In the Save for Web dialog, make sure all slices are selected.
- Choose the desired format (e.g., JPEG) and click "Save".
- In the Save dialog, make sure to select "All Slices" to export each slice as a separate file.

### Using Guides and Slices ###
1. **Open the Image in Photoshop**:
- Open Photoshop and load your image (`collage.jpg`).

2. Add Guides:
- Go to `View` > `New Guide Layout...`.
- Set the number of columns to 4 and the number of rows to 4. This will create a grid overlay with 16 equal sections.

3. Slice Along Guides:
- Select the "Slice Tool" from the toolbar.
- Click on `Slices from Guides` in the options bar at the top. This will automatically create slices along the guide lines.

4. Export Slices:
- Go to `File` > `Export` > `Save for Web (Legacy)...`.
- In the Save for Web dialog, make sure all slices are selected.
- Choose the desired format (e.g., JPEG) and click "Save".
- In the Save dialog, make sure to select "All Slices" to export each slice as a separate file.

### Using a Script
If you prefer a more automated approach, you can use a Photoshop script. Here's a basic example of a script to slice an image into 16 equal parts:

1. **Open Photoshop and Load the Image**:
- Open Photoshop and load your image (`collage.jpg`).

2. **Run the Script**:
- Go to `File` > `Scripts` > `Script Editor...`.
- Copy and paste the following script:


var doc = app.activeDocument;
var savePath = doc.path;
var docWidth = doc.width;
var docHeight = doc.height;
var sliceWidth = docWidth / 4;
var sliceHeight = docHeight / 4;

for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
var x = j * sliceWidth;
var y = i * sliceHeight;
var slice = doc.crop([x, y, x + sliceWidth, y + sliceHeight]);
var sliceFile = new File(savePath + "/cover_" + (i * 4 + j + 1) + ".jpg");
var options = new JPEGSaveOptions();
options.quality = 12;
slice.saveAs(sliceFile, options, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);

3. **Save and Run the Script**:
- Save the script and run it. This will automatically slice the image and save each slice as a separate file in the same directory as the original image.

These methods should help you to automate the process of slicing your collage image into individual covers in Photoshop.
Keep in mind that the old ImageReady code used in Save for Web (Legacy) has a 8,192px input limit on the longest edge – so if your file was say 16,384px on the longest edge it would be scaled to 50% size before the slices are saved.
