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Does CS3 Include Image Ready?

Nope. IR is a dead dog. The features have basically been (sorta kinda, not well) integrated into PS.
I began to watch a Flash 8 training video and one of the techniques involved exporting a Photoshop layered file as a swf.

Is there any way to do that in CS3?
A quick look inside CS3 tells me that your wish can be solved through
file-->scripts-->layers to files

Maybe not the optimal solution, but it works.
Then you'll import it into Flash

I'm still trying to come to grips with it all and I have to review the Flash 8 traininb video.

I THINK the Image Ready route saved more of the layer styles - not sure - still checking.

Ah I see a CS3 owner here... I hope you can answer my question(s), hopefully you have Extended version.....

Just wondering if there is any information as of yet to whether when one imports in an obj file into the 3D layer that they can paint directly onto the obj and export maps or just paste an already created map onto the obj file and then edit from that point??

If it's the former then Photoshop must support and recognize UV-Maps on some level or another?!?

Thanks much

Richard ;-)~
