I stumbled accross this place in my search for all things 'newbie', it seems a friendly, informative place so I think I'll hang around a while.
Being (totally) new to pshop I was wondering what are the essential extras that you all use, things like Styles(I don't actually know how to use them but I'm sure they're usefull), filters, plug-ins etc.
I'm currently working through the beginners section of this web site and I'm eager to learn more, so expect some (stupid?) questions in the future.
N00b mistake #1
I was playing around with keyboard shortcuts when I accidently held down alt and clicked on my colour swatches, which deleted them, is there anyway to get them back?
I stumbled accross this place in my search for all things 'newbie', it seems a friendly, informative place so I think I'll hang around a while.
Being (totally) new to pshop I was wondering what are the essential extras that you all use, things like Styles(I don't actually know how to use them but I'm sure they're usefull), filters, plug-ins etc.
I'm currently working through the beginners section of this web site and I'm eager to learn more, so expect some (stupid?) questions in the future.
N00b mistake #1
I was playing around with keyboard shortcuts when I accidently held down alt and clicked on my colour swatches, which deleted them, is there anyway to get them back?