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help make my book look more real


Active Member
i need to make it look something like this

turbosquid(dot com)/FullPreview/Index.cfm/ID/483896- minus the text

my current book can be seen at jarrattperkins dot com
thats great!

here is what i have done so far:

any ideas on how i can enhance this further... im new to photoshop so any hidden tricks would be great

Try changing or modifying the texture on the second page, it doesn't have to be the same as in the first page, because it doesn't ok to me, you could use the clone stamp, content aware fill, etc in order to change some parts or obvious spots in the texture, or you could use a similar texture instead.

Have fun.
Stains always have a ring mark!
Blending is fine but sometimes, it helps to have real marks, and not quite the same on both pages. Also, the colours are very vivid for what is perceived to me as a old stained book.
I would say add some depth into it do some dodge and burning would help you burn around the stains and shadows and dodge some of the lighter parts. The best way for this I would say is create a new layer press shift+ f5 to bring up the fill dialogue box choose 50% grey set the layer mode to any of the soft light or overlay options that you think looks best then either use the dodge and burn tools or just simply use the paint brush and paint in black for burning and white for dodging at a low opacity soft brush.
I did it!

what do you think (it needs to go onto a website and i will write my bio in it so text needs to be clear

