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Former Member
I have a request from all members, please try and make good this image.
Yeah i can do it myself and i have but i want to see what you guys can come up with.

View attachment 14062

Thanks in advance and i can't wait to see what you get it to look like:)
that's a pretty small image Paul. You mean colorize it or just patch it up?
Hi Paul,
This is my very first attempt at restoration, and I have to say it was a bit difficult because the file was so tiny. But it was fun, and I thank you for the challenge.

you know whats weird When I opened the original image to edit it, the woman's hand was just a white blotch, like the picture was torn I thought it was dress material now I see the hand above his ... I think there is a ghost in that image lol
Fun stuff! They look so stern, but I seem to find a twinkle there. This could be tweaked a bit more, but I was afraid of losing detail.

I'm not normally a big fan of colorizing, but I decided to try it.

This is my very first attempt, so don't laugh. ;)

that's a pretty small image Paul. You mean colorize it or just patch it up?

Its small for a reason iDAD, and in answer to your question, either is cool.
So far all are really good versions.

The photo is of the notorious Jack The Ripper, yes the guy who killed in London.
