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Hey everyone.


New Member
Hey everyone, didn't no to put this in Photshop General Subjects or one of the other subjects. Anyways just wanted to say hey and I have been using PS since 5.5 came out. I hope I can be a help to this new community. :D
Hey, welcome aboard Mustang232r. I really love your sig.

Welcome aboard Mustang232r! :D Since you are a long-time user of PS, I'm sure that you've got lots of knowledge to share with us! ;) Look forward to seeing more of you around here! [excited]
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. LoL on my sig that was luck on how it came out, since I was just playing around... I put it up as my sig cause I thought it looked cool.
I have a Mustang. It is getting its 351 Windsor Motor. Also about to get my Honda CBR600F4i this summer. Can't wait :D
holy god!!!! I MEAN,..... gosh! [stuned] THAT IS A FREAKY sig!!!! :shocked: Wicked [sly] Yea, I'm deinately going to have you stay on this board for a long time! :D
Welcome to da PSG yo ;) Now where have I seen that sig before :)

PS 5.5 is "a long time"? Damn... I feel old [stuned] [confused]
