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After Effects Hooked on After effects

Hey All

I've been bitten bad by After effects and are now completely hooked. I'm on my last days on the TRY version and can't decide as to buy AE CS5.5 or wait for CS6... Any thoughts?

Also check out our families Youtube channel "Another Miscreation", with the latest stuff we make. Some of it actual turned out quite good (I think anyway :)).


And if any of you have any tips on how to make the effects even better, then don´t hesitate to comment. I really could need some feedback, being completely new at this.

Thanks a million
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I love the whole concept of working with your family and the effects are really pro also. You should probably make tutorials, I'd love to learn that's for sure.
Thanks Kaleshe! You are 100% right, making it a family project really makes it a lot more fun.

I'm not sure on the tutorials right now. Mostly because I do a lot of trial and error, and probably don't use the elements as they are meant for. But I have no problem with sharing all my work. Just need to find out where I do that :)
