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How to avoid resaving smart objects?


New Member
Hello all, although I can't imagine this question not to be already asked, I couldn't find it.

In CS6, when I drag a picture into my ps file, it gets converted into a smart object. If the pic happens to be something like a png or jpg, and i add some adjustment layers or so, PS wants me to save it again (on the hard drive) before I can close it. That's very annoying, could someone explain why it's this way and what I could do to avoid it?
thanks, but that's not the question I was asking.

i want to be able to open a smart object, edit it, save and close it. but not be forced to save it onto the hard drive, what for, it's already saved within the psd file.
Sorry mate the problem you're facing ain't happening to me here on CS6 Extended ... I even tried deleting the imported image and re-opening .psd and it works fine.
No way it is so.

Smart Objects are ALWAYS part of the PSD file, no matter HOW they were created. Either through File->Place or any other way.

Smart Objects are not external links, never were so and never were supposed to be:cheesygrin:.

Once created, in any way, they have absolutely no relation to source file in any way. Smart Objects exist only in PSD file.

Please, don't mislead our fellow photoshoppers...:cheesygrin:
