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How to create a clickable hyperlink on a freestanding image?

Randy Myers

Active Member
[h=2]I have a small part time business doing all kinds of image editing. I get most of my work on a particular site that facilitates the meeting of clients and freelancers

I just recently was awarded a job and accepted the job. Right AFTER that, there was from the client an "Oh yeah, there's just one more thing I need done", (happens ALL THE TIME).

The job was to edit an ultrasound of a fetus and incorporate the image into an invitation to a baby shower. OK, no problem, right?

The "Oh yeah, I've got one more thing", was that she wanted me to put two places where the mother was registered for gifts and she wanted both of these places to be an active, clickable hyperlink.

I've done a small amount of research and read a few ideas about "slicing" but all the tutorials appear to be speaking about doing this to an image on a website, which isn't what I need. I need to create a freestanding image, one that could be attached and or inserted into an email to someone and one that you would be able to click on the text of an URL and it would be an active hypelink that would take you to the store's website.

1. Is this even a possibility?
2. If so, is it something that can be done ONLY with CS5 or would I need other software to accommplish this?

Please remember, this is NOT to be part of a website, it needs to be a freestanding image that can be emailed and that has an active, working, hyperlink as part of the image.


where the crop tool is right click it and select the slice tool and just slice around your 2 links the rest will be sliced automatically as 1 image. once you have your 2 slice boxes right click 1 of them and select slice options you will see a url box put your url in there
in the target box type _blank for it to open up in a new tab on the browser. THe message text is what you will get when the viewer hovers the mouse over the link.

This method assumes your making a mini web page and it will be hosted somewhere or you are embedding the hosted website into an email other than that it is not possible as slicing is a website.

The alternative is to do it in indesign or maybe you can export it as a pdf and put the links in if you have adobe acrobat. but you cant have html in a standard image.
but if it is going to be like an ecard that gets emailed I have done several email html templates so go the extra mile make a mini webpage you can get free hosting everywhere now or put it at the backend of your own website. Just make it small enough to appear in email preview and people will never know they are not looking at an image they are in fact looking at a website. The advantage to this is they dont have to wait for images to download or the security risk settings blocking the image. if you have the psd I will happily do a walkthrough

I would not be able to meet this particular clients needs because there was an 8 hour turn around time that once I heard about the hyperlink, I knew that I couldn't meet. So, I called the client asap so that they could make other arrangements. I didn't want to leave them stuck.

As far as me learning how to go about this for any future, similar projects, I think that would probably be a smart idea but you have NO IDEA what you'd be getting yourself into. I've been editing images for ever but I know absolutely NOTHING about website building, HTML or any of that other "mysterious" stuff. For you it would be a very tedious job creating the smallest of baby steps as you held my hand through all of this. If you're up for that challenge and also wouldn't mind the "possibility" of me having to take extended breaks from this thread, depending on any new jobs that I may receive, well, God bless you!

I had done no work what soever yet on this now cancelled project so if you DO want to walk me through this, just use any old psd of your choosing.

Oh, also, I don't have my own website so it would have to be the other scenario.

Go for it Upload your PSD You have now I am confident that I can get you to turn it into a website with a less than 10 min video showing you exactly what you need to know and how to make it into an embedded email. tutorial and still have time to call back your client and get your payday.
Wow not much to go on Sorry it is a bit rushed but my server crashed so was trying to fix them and record the video. Also had to add to your psd to make it worthwhile doing. But I think you get the idea even from this crap video.
Thank you VERY much for this. I haven't checked it out yet but I'm about to and I'm going to watch it as many times as I need to in order for it to all sink in.

ROTFLMFAO ! I just watched that for the first time and I can tell you without a doubt that I could study that video a thousand times, pause it and right down every single last step, study those steps a thousand times and I STILL wouldn't have the SLIGHTEST idea how to go about what you just did. Obviously you have a LOT of experience with this sort of thing and therefore think that it should be easy but I can assure that it would take someone with WAY more brain cells and experience than I, to make heads or tails of this. Hopefully it will be helpful to others who may have a few more synapses firing than I do.

Anyway, thank you VERY much for all of the time you spent in trying to help me out. I think I'll stick to image editing and leave website building and code to folks like yourself.

Quick side note: Not that it would help me in the slightest but I had the video AND my speakers maxed out and still could just barely make out what you were saying.
Yes sorry about the audio I spent the video talking into an unplugged mic and it was another mic picking me up I guess it can be overwhelming for someone with no experience maybe I could do with splitting it up into 2 videos or maybe a mini series do a whole website from scratch to being on the web in photoshop. All though in honesty that is not the best way to do an actual website but way to much information for now. Keep an eye on here once I have done a series on this subject I will post them here for you to check out when you have a spare 10- mins.

Just out of interest do you have the creative suite or just photoshop
