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How to make a new layer so I can see the layer under it?


Active Member
Videos work best unless the directions are very simple. lol

I am going to make the best stab I can at asking this question. Cause I have searched it in a lot of ways but guess I am not querying it right.

I have a simple static menu for a website I want to copy and make color changes. As I understand it. The best method for doing this is to open the original and create a new layer so I can use the pen tool to draw it on the new layer. I cannot figure out how to create the new layer so I can see through it and view the original.

My understanding is I cannot use the pen tool to draw an outline on the original and then color fill, I should draw it on a new layer to be able to color fill.
Duplicate layer or make a new blank layer, then lower opacity of new layer to around 70%.
Not seeing it do anything. The new layer is on top and transparent and the image I want to copy in on the bottom.
Your words: 'My understanding is I cannot use the pen tool to draw an outline on the original and then color fill, I should draw it on a new layer to be able to color fill'.

Just apply what you said and all is good.
, unless I am missing something , That is what I have done but I cannot see the layer with the image.
Do a screen capture of where you are on this and lets take a look see.
Here is my screen
Turn your new layer on (eye in box) then select the pen tool as you wish and do your editing.

Also leave the FILL at 100%
Thought I had the eye on. I turned it off to look at something then I guess I forgot to turn it on. So If I turn the eye on then am I able to go over the top and it is actually making a copy on the new layer and then when I am done I can turn off the image and do my color fill to edit the color. Is that it.
No don't turn off leave on, do your alterations on the new layer lower opacity to see original image below new layer, revert back to 100% opacity when happy with your new alterations then merge or do what you want with it.
I am not going to assume here but what are you actually trying to achieve because to me it seems that you are after a rollover effect

for example
click here

This is achieved by having 1 image saved as original state then a 2nd image saved with an edited state in this sample it is named btn1 and btn 2

and with the code

<p><a href="http://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('Image1','','images/btn2.png',0)"><img src="http://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum/images/btn1.png" alt="" width="250" height="100" id="Image1"></a></p>

However this is not a good way to structure a site because if you are using images for buttons if you have large menus then you are overcrowding your site with lots of images to load and will start slowing it down. Is it essential to have it as an image or can you do it more as css styling

ah ok I get now sorry I was making this and more details have been revealed
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Whatever layer is selected or highlighted will be the layer that is affected. So, whatever color fill you add to the path selection you make with the Pen Tool, will appear in the layer you have highlighted.
what software are you using to make your website I think there are better ways of going about this rather than using photoshop. Photoshop is good for basic websites and slicing but it will not be optimised and your very limited on dynamic content. If you have adobe fireworks, dreamweaver, muse, edge animate as an example of a few software that will make a better navigation system for you then I would use that and just import the navigation just be sure to make a div for your navigation in ps to place in later.

Also the issue with doing your site in ps is that it exports your whole site as a series of images. This is not a good route to go because search engines can not read images so you will not score highly on google.
OK, I think I have it. I guess I expected to see something not understanding that the top layer was going to be 100% transparent and it would appear to be nothing there.
