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How's this ?


Hi Just gonna use this image as my site's background, so tell me if it can be improved more ? Thanx

EvilNemesis.jpg B7
The logo seems very blurry - was this intentional? I would think that if it was sharper, it would look a lot nicer.

The outer glow around the logo may be a little much as well.

And while you're at it, you may as well go take a look at the starfield tutorial over at www.artofgregmartin.com :


It should make a pretty solid wallpaper when it's done, but translating it over to a website might be difficult. (And then there's the whole discussion about the evils of splash pages... but I won't get into that unless you ask me to.)
I agree with jon. The text could be a little darker, maybe it is just me but it strains my eyes a bit.
thanx for comments guy, about that starfield tutorial :shocked: But it's in much depth. And about blurring yeah it was ok when before I used the blur tool on it so it also blurred the outer glow effect, any way to avoid blurring layer styles ? And I'll make the bottom text more darker. [sleepy]
