I have a selection of 40 patterns I can choose from, most of them come from the Photoshop6 Wow! CD.
What I don't understand is why Photoshop needs to load these patterns when you start the program.
That really makes no sense to me... [confused] [confused] [confused]
It has major disadvantages;
a) It takes much longer to open Photoshop
b) Patterns use lots of memory, even if you don't use them.
I got rid of all these patterns and now Photoshop uses only 48MB and starts much faster
What I don't understand is why Photoshop needs to load these patterns when you start the program.
That really makes no sense to me... [confused] [confused] [confused]
It has major disadvantages;
a) It takes much longer to open Photoshop
b) Patterns use lots of memory, even if you don't use them.
I got rid of all these patterns and now Photoshop uses only 48MB and starts much faster