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I wonder why they do that...

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I have a selection of 40 patterns I can choose from, most of them come from the Photoshop6 Wow! CD.
What I don't understand is why Photoshop needs to load these patterns when you start the program.
That really makes no sense to me... [confused] [confused] [confused]

It has major disadvantages;

a) It takes much longer to open Photoshop
b) Patterns use lots of memory, even if you don't use them.

I got rid of all these patterns and now Photoshop uses only 48MB and starts much faster :D
Yeah, I agree it doesn't make sense. It should only load the current set (the last one you used) and point to other sets so you can call them up easily. I thought that's actually what it did? Unlike filters, which DO load at startup. There's a way to control the filters on launch, but I dunno about patterns.
Well see now... this is exactly my point i TRIED to make to Chris Cox at the Adobe U2U Forum about PS6. He basically took offense and called me an ignorant moron. Needless to say, i don't use that place anymore.

Although... his explanation does make sense from an OS perspective. Obviously, all the 'extras' PS uses need memory to be staored in, so that when you want to use them, they'll be there immediately. It's just like when a Website "preloads" images for rollOver effects and animation.
I have read some other ChrisCox remarks over there at Adobe. Seems he doesn't see any difference between coding and talking, hardware and people.
This is imo not an argument: it's the same as saying that PS will scan the whole bunch of folders on all your hdd's to preload all images because there could be some possibility you would like to open one, and then it would already be ready.
[confused] Weird.... I (like Julie) always thought that PS only loaded the current set of patterns (last set saved) and have always blamed my decreasing PS "load up" time on the fact that I always keep a hefty inventory of these things on hand... and I always forget to delete when I'm done with 'em... [innocent]

[stuned] I know better now (thanks Gauss for pointing this out) and will have to make a point to "houseclean" more often. ;\
AppleCider said:
It should only load the current set (the last one you used) and point to other sets so you can call them up easily. I thought that's actually what it did?
No Julie and also Wendy, I didn't mean that it loads the other sets, but the set that is current.

The Photoshop 6 Wow! CD contains a few interesting patterns that I added to my current set. I think that most of them are 300 ppi and quite large. The current set should contain links to the patterns and nothing more. I've been a programmer myself for many years, so you can understand that I have hard time with this kind of lousy programming.
It's really rediculous that I have to load 70MB of patterns each time when they are not used on a regular basis.
;) I get ya, Gauss.. it's my "current set" that has grown to be SO BIG, because I was doing exactly like you... adding new patterns!!!

I don't like the way that this feature works either (slowing down loadup time and eating up RAM)

[doh] So how do we get around it?

[confused] What if we took our "personal patterns" out of the presets/patterns folder and placed them elsewhere???

[confused] :\ Just thinking out loud...
One way to manage a large set (like the WOW! set...I have it too).

Create a new set with the Preset manager, from the big set. Just divide it up into something you'll understand, name the new smaller sets and delete the biggie. That way, if you have the new set WowMetals current, it will only load that one.

But yes, I agree with Gauss that it should only POINT to the patterns. Until Adobe programmers can see that this would be a Good Thing, we have to use workarounds.

Preset Manager is actually a very good tool. I use it to manage projects, naming style sets, patterns, etc. for the project itself.
Good idea Julie, using the "Preset Manager" ;) :righton:
okay I am getting confused here and it is fess up time he he he

I have in my patterns the default patterns but other patterns that I have collected on my ways are in my documents/adobe/extras/patterns
when I want a pattern I just load it from there...... so if I don't reset my patterns what your saying is that it is still loading and have I put my other patterns into the plugin folder under patterns it would have loaded them too? - yikes [stuned]
I have done the same with all of my brushes, gradients, actions, styles everything........ they all have a folder under extras/........

I am currently having another problem and don't understand why it is suddenly happening........ but think that I should start a new thread for that one he he he - forget I said that okay ha ha ha
Sue, it sounds like you're doing what you should be doing...dividing up your patterns into new sets instead of adding them to the sets that ship with PS.

Like Gauss said (and I misunderstood him, too) PS loads whatever pattern set you last used on launch. It keeps track of your other pattern sets, but doesn't lload them until you do.
thanks Julie

right guys......... I've done something right - quick.........

pop the champagne and party! ha ha ha
:righton: Sue! [excited]
I have one pattern file in particular which is at its maximum size,and ya its a pain to load when you open PS,but I just make sure I change the pattern file for a smaller one before I quit out of PS.In fact you could duplicate a pattern file in the pre sets and remove all but one pattern name it startup or something and just make sure its the one that is loaded up when you exit PS.Another pre set trick I use is to duplicate a color swatch and remove all the entries bar one,then name it Null and you have a spare to make new color swatches with.

Mark I hope you told Cox stick his arrogant head up his butt.

hahaa well Stu... i didn't use THOSE exact words... but i did let him know i wasn't impressed with his reply to me. ;\
Anywho... that was so long ago i've forgotten about it... NOT! :shocked: :bustagut:
I've noticed Stu has a way with words *he he he* as well as pixels
Saving loading time

I don't know if this will help, I've found this tip in "Photoshop User "magazine.
You can save memory by renaming any filters and plug-ins you don't use-just place a tilde(~)in front of their names. For example, if you don't use Digimark, but think you might want it some day, re-title it's folder "~Digimark." When loading plug-ins, Photoshop will simply ignore any file or folder with a tilde. To put them back in the list and make them active again, just remove the tilde.
By Carla Rose
I hope this is helpful.
My friend, this is a fantastic tip.

Must say I have my third party plugins in a separate folder, and I link to ech one with a shortcut in the PS plugins folder. That makes it very easy to play Hamlet (tho load pluginX or not to load it, that is the question).
But I didn't know/think of this tilde tip.
Muchas gracias. :righton:
