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Im after sevreal company logos in EPS format.......


Hi folks, hope everyone is well in this delightful digital domain.....im after a bit of advice - ive got some work to do that requires a fair few comapny logos, ideally in EPS format; Nike, Bacardi, coca-cola - is there a web resource anywhere where i can get hold of these???

Thanks a lot

qxe900, NOT that I'm aware of! These files are supplied by the Corporate advertiser to the graphics/design firm for their specific and intended use.

I would highly doubt that such a site, as you describe, would exist. ;) There are copyright laws involved...

[shhh] I've done a lot of "speculation" work (for presentation purposes only), whereby I've grabbed a low-res version of a particular corporate logo off of the net and have recreated it in Illustrator as a vector file. [slick]
If you need them for publicity reasons, you can simply ask the owners. They seldom decline free publicity.

One word springs to mind if you use these!


The companies you mentioned will hammer you penniless if you use their logos without ABSOLUTE written permission.

These sites do not have the authority to allow you to use these logos!
These are not public domain!

They will not be the one's to suffer, you will be liable as the user!
Note this small disclaimer, below!

Excellent! Thanks for the links Alias & erikals! :righton:
:righton: Absolutely R.A.!

Good of you to point that out for those "not in the know"! ;)
Wendy, and all.

Big companies are screwing down on Copyright (the word means the RIGHT to COPY, Surprise! Surprise!) and Intellectual Property Rights, regardless of whether or not you can afford a million dollar /pound lawsuit!

Print 20 t-shirts or 20,000 t-shirts with an unauthorised Coke logo, you will be sued just the same, if you get caught! (and that is not meant as an encouragement to try!)

:righton: I hear ya R.A! And I hope that others do too... ;)

Nah, we're talking about working with a client's logo from a 'speculation' point of view here. Presenting them with an ad or imagery campaign... that sort of thing! :)

