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latest effort , needs comments


hi all been pretty busy with work but had some spare time this weekend , thoughts on this image please


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  • the_untraveled_path_by_ceejay8887-d5oslj3.jpg
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Nice job of turning day landscape into night. I like it.

You might consider making a selection of the branches of the tree where they cross the moon and a bit more. Then give the branchs an outer glow, maybe even lower their opacity. Something to make them look more ghostly. They seem too stark and don't reflect the moonlight.

The original horse looks like someone already cut it out and placed it on that landscape. In any event, you did a good job with it and I like the kicked up snow under his hooves. One thing about the extraction is the loss of fine hairs in the mane and tail. I'm assuming you have the horse masked. If so, use the refine mask and the smart radius,. Go lightly around the perimeter of the hair and it should bring up some of the detail without showing anymore BG. If you haven't practiced doing extractions, try some tutorials so you get a feel for keeping more of the fine details. You can also add in touches that you've lost using some of the default paint brushes in PS or downloading some hairbrushes and playing with those.

The path which picks up the moonlight seems just a bit too blown out to me. I would undo some of the brightness and keep some of the detail in the snow.

The composition is good, though I'm not sure why you elected to cut off the horse's feet.

Your turn! :devilish:
looks good man,

I think the horse is a little too bright, remember the moon is behind him so most of the light is on the back side of the horse. creating more of a silhouette than a fully detailed horse. But then again the whole land scape is bright so the ambient light may be enough to give it a decent amount of illumination. Look at the person in the picture of the moon stock, that's roughly how much illumination i feel the horse needs,

The whites i feel, are a bit white saturated, might pay to go with a uniform grey, the lighting scheme in the sky feels like its just hit dusk, but the whites on the snow and horse make it feel more like mid day.

but i do like the mystical feel in this, you have captured it well :)
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you could use this picture as a reference to what im talking about.


Notice how all the snow is one color, and the sheep appear very washed out of color, brightness and detail just like the snow.
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thanks for the comments ill have a look at it again when i get time and see if the adjustments work clare ive been mucking around with refine edge hair and im having a bit of trouble getting it right , ill keep practicing


  • horse.jpg
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i think the horse loses a bit by painting in a duller light , i like the hair now and the softer light on the branches , got to walk away and have another look tomorrow
Hey ego, looks great. I can't add much to what's already been said. I like the darker version of the horse.

I agree with Clare about the Horse having his feet removed but I don't care much for how the kicked up snow appears.

The path is somewhat distracting. I like to view all images while asking myself, "Does this look believable?", so as a viewer, with the missing area/information below the horses feet, I'm wondering why the horse has left the path and is trying to run on the much steeper incline beside the path. If he had a mound of snow to his right (our left) the image would make better sense for me.
You might consider composting some other extracted snow image in the path area even though it may be hard to match the lighting.

All in all a good job though! Keep it up!
I agree about the horse and the highlights as well as the path. It looks like leveling taken too far. The greyness looks artificial. I'd pull back on it some. Personally, I was only concerned about the most washed out places on the path, compared to how it looked in the original. There wasn't detail in the highlights of the horse that I could detect (given my eyes, lol) so all that happens is that the area goes grey and that's not pleasing. I think Sam is right after all on the way the snow kicking up looks, but I really like the idea. Maybe just more? IDK. It's a good point, which I missed, about positioning the horse on the incline instead of the path. I imagine it has to do with the composition. Maybe warp the path to the right and move the horse left a bit? Again, IDK. Maybe you have a reason for the horse to leave the path. It doesn't really bother me much, but I can see how it is confusing.
