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Messing around with text


Power User
So it's been a week or two since I posted anything here. Filling in for my boss 5 days a week is more than I bargained for. Anyway, over the last two days I realized I haven't done anything in relation to typography so I got to working. Essentially, the whole point to the video is that inspiration and ideas can come from anywhere. And those that are involved with this stuff should never be afraid to express those ideas. As such, it seems to me that these guys are all about redefining the norm of any kind of design work today and aren't afraid to show it. The video is here

My graphics and explanation for each is below.


So I got the idea for this image after reading a tutorial quite awhile back. It's 99% Photoshop, and 1% Illustrator. Reason being this time is that I used my laptop to put this together and it doesn't have the minimum required hardware for 3D text. Illustrator on the other hand allows for pseudo 3D text with its Extrude and Bevel filter. Once that part was done, the image was imported into Ps and the various effects and textures were applied accordingly.


I don't quite know where I got the idea for this image except that I wanted to do something in the fashion of the text that plays during the opening of a Star Wars movie. Anyone remember how it appears close and fades into the distance?


This image started off as broken glass but soon turned into something entirely different. Not a shred of evidence that there's broken glass in this design. Anyway, the more I look at it the more it looks like the Disk Case for Adobe Master Collection CS5.
Hm very interesting but i think that all the effects you have applied are a little too much, nice to keep it more simple when it comes to colours and glows and stuff. Also it looks as if you used a blur or is that the quality?
I like the concept of the 3Dness of the first image though, keep it up.
Simplicity has its place Kaleshe, and it usually applies to commercial work. The images that we do here on PS Gurus are personal, that means we get to break all the rules of design. As far as all the effects I used, the whole point to them was to generate a "WHOA!" of the viewer. I wanted people to be taken aback. Guess I succeeded:)
It doesn't really say eye candy to me, you could clean it up. It just doesn't look good. try making it easier to read, and less blurry. I also suggest you save your images at either a higher jpeg quality and res, or save the in .png format.

Increasing resolution doesn't matter in web graphics. Browsers don't display anything higher than 72 PPI. Where resolution does matter is in Print Graphics. I'll have a look at these in PNG format to see if there's any real difference though. Thanks
Oh, mmk. Also ease up on the bevel man, it's not very pretty lol. Sorry if I sound harsh also.
I agree with Kaleshe, I would get rid of the blur effect and I know you want to WOW people, but all the gradients seem a bit too much. Play around with solid colors. It kinda screams early 90's, more than anything else.
Early 90's huh? I didn't get that but yes it does have that 90's retro quality doesn't it. Ok, I'm cool with that. I don't really plan on changing anything but it is good to get some real opinions here. Between school, work, trying to find a web designer's job, learning jQuery, motion graphics, and web design stuff, I just don't get the free time that I used to have. Though I'm sure I'll put some more graphics up here in the next few days. We'll see if I'm still in that 90's mode:)
