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Need advice on removing a logo


Active Member
Hey all, I'm working on CS5, Alright so basically I want to remove a logo/graphic from an image of a T shirt. I want it to all blend together correctly as if it was a solid color t shirt & you couldn't tell the logo/graphic was even there. I'm fairly decent with PS but stuck on this. All reply's are appreciated, thanks in advance! - Vetti
Hey vetti,

Pretty straight forward Spot healing brush, brush, isolation mask, and smudge tool.
Woman in blue.

Isolate the woman in green's shoulder using the pen tool or the polygonal lasso tool.
Use the spot healing brush to remove unwanted area.
Use brush to add back colors.
Use smudge tool to blend.

Woman in green.

Isolate the woman in green's hair, arm, and hand using the pen tool or the polygonal lasso tool.
Use the spot healing brush to remove unwanted area.
Use brush to add back colors.
Use smudge tool to blend.

Vetti, just in case you don't understand, here's what I mean by isolation.

Using the Pen Tool or the Polygonal Lasso Tool, you can create an area in which to work that will isolate (select) that area from the rest of the image. You can work inside (or out) the selected area.


Screen Shot 2013-03-19 at 1.45.35 AM.png

Screen Shot 2013-03-19 at 1.46.06 AM.png

With the selection removed command/control + D

Screen Shot 2013-03-19 at 1.46.22 AM.png
Your fix looks good. Here is another quick method,,not perfect but it works pretty well.1. In CS6, use the crop tool to crop the image larger by about a 1/3. Then use one of the tools to isolate the type you want to get rid of. 3. With the mask active, open the Content Aware Move Tool. Move the object into the extra space you created with the crop.4. Content aware will then fill the area using it's magic. You will probably have to spot heal or clone a little but it's quick.5. After you finish, use the crop tool again and crop the area away where you parked the type. Here's the quick one I did.ImageUploadedByTapatalk1363673043_348128-2.jpg
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