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New Member
Hi, my name is mkie. I really don't know what I'm doing, but am excited to learn as much as I can. Right now I am trying to clear up an 1886 letter that talked about my Great great Grandfather's adoption. Some of the writing is blurry and unreadable. Any help would be appreciated. Looking forward to tinkering with Photoshop.
Hi Mkie -
Nice to meet you. Many good lessons to be learned here with some very talented teachers.
For your document help, you can post an image to either the free or paid forums. I'm sure you'll get several responses.
If, for some reason, you want it kept confidential, you can post your note in the paid section without the image and you'll be contacted via private message (PM).
Looking forward to seeing you on the forums!
- Jeff
Hi Mkie, Welcome to the forum. You can look forward to supportive feedback and technical help. Don't hesitate to ask. Gurus and members like Jeff are a great help. Administrator IamSam will make detailed diagrams - just because! Just be careful. As one new member observed, "I think I'm addicted to Photoshop." Uh huh.
