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New PC


Active Member
Hello, i build my own PC/workstation for about a month ago, and i kinda just wanted to know what you guys think:cheesygrin:

Cpu: Intel 2700k(constantly overclocked to 4.2 ghz)

Ram: 16 gigs(1600 mhz)

Gpu: an msi with the almost newest 7950 processor and 3 gigs of graphic memory

Gpu cooling: corsair hydro cooling

Power supply: corsair hx1050

Motherboard: the asus deluxe pro thingy(dont remember the name)

Case: corsair obsidian 650d

and for looks i've got 2 cold cathodes that are sound activated:)
I dont get why you would want to do that

Crossfire is not as good as 1 would think.

Mainly because game developers develop games to the wider audience 99% of people who buy games do not have crossfire so the developers do not support it as widely as you would think.

If you play battlefield that claims to support crossfire and do an fps and benchmark it you will see you will actually get poorer quality and experience than using a good quality graphics card in normal mode.

after effects etc does not really get any benefit from it either.

People build cross fire machines just because in theory they sound awesome the power of 2 graphics card.

crossfire and Sli will not be here for much longer because they are not compatable with the games to run them.

That said if a real game developer developed a game for real gamers and built it around crossfire \ SLI then yes you would get an awesome gaming experience.
Actually MSI are starting to make some nice stuff close to Asus, gigabyte range. end of the day they still take the nvidia chips tweak it a bit and stick there name on it.
I dont get why you would want to do that

Crossfire is not as good as 1 would think.

yep! agreed, basically all crossfiring AMD cards does is lets one card take a load off the other, very much like multicore CPUs a dual core processor clocked a 2.2Ghz does not make the whole CPU run at 4.4Ghz, it just means that one core can take a load off the other by taking on some of the processes. same with crossfired GPUs, theoretically.

Actually MSI are starting to make some nice stuff close to Asus, gigabyte range.
really? fair enough then, i've always gone for Gigabyte parts, never had a bad Experience with them, got an ASUS Maximus II formula board waiting for a 775 processor as well, but i think it's water damaged :/ . but i've had REALLY bad experiences with MSI, PNY and Foxconn (mainly in the Xbox360 consoles) loads of other people have as well as far as i know
Cpu: Intel 2700k(constantly overclocked to 4.2 ghz)

Ram: 16 gigs(1600 mhz)

Gpu: an msi with the almost newest 7950 processor and 3 gigs of graphic memory

Gpu cooling: corsair hydro cooling

Power supply: corsair hx1050

Motherboard: the asus deluxe pro thingy(dont remember the name)

Case: corsair obsidian 650d

and for looks i've got 2 cold cathodes that are sound activated:)

Constantly overclocked (rofl)
Could have cleaned the table behind it for the photos shoot mate.
