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Specific Not sure if this one can be done 🤔


Well-Known Member
Hi guys

You have edited for me in the past so I want to be cheeky and ask for another edit if I can.

We can only fine 1 picture of the bride and groom together but we want to change the background. Also the picture needs sharpening up.

It would be much appreciated

P.s if this can not be done could the bride and groom be made sharper?

Many thanks


There was a lot of camera distortion in the bride & groom photo so had to take the liberty of some cropping.
Also cropped the chapel image so that the couple wouldn't be overwhelmed.
Probably needs more adjustment - but here's what I've done so far....

bride and groom in chapel.jpg
After I saw JeffK's image I decided to go in a different direction. As he said the fact that the couple is taken with a wide angle lens where the heads are almost level with the camera yet we are looking severely down at the feet limits possibilities. Jeff cropped. I placed 'little them' in a big chapel. I took a lot of liberties here and widened the chapel greatly. and changed the perspective of the runner.

At any rate ...my submission.

Chapel & Couple_4a.jpg
There was a lot of camera distortion in the bride & groom photo so had to take the liberty of some cropping.
Also cropped the chapel image so that the couple wouldn't be overwhelmed.
Probably needs more adjustment - but here's what I've done so far....

View attachment 128727
Thank you so much. I will pass it on to the bride and groom! They will love it.

Many thanks

After I saw JeffK's image I decided to go in a different direction. As he said the fact that the couple is taken with a wide angle lens where the heads are almost level with the camera yet we are looking severely down at the feet limits possibilities. Jeff cropped. I placed 'little them' in a big chapel. I took a lot of liberties here and widened the chapel greatly. and changed the perspective of the runner.

At any rate ...my submission.

View attachment 128745

Thank you for the information and the picture. Unfortunately I took the picture after too many glasses of champagne 🍾

Thank you for your effort it is much appreciated

Many thanks

This fall into the category of FWIW. I made a lot of changes, some visible and some not so much.

Given the quality of the other photoshopper's work here, the ONLY compelling reason to use my work is that at any given print size the 'pixelated and noisy' couple is smaller in relation to the print. (if there even would be a print), And that leaves a somewhat out of focus background chapel...which is good. This could be printed 8x12 inches and I believe it would hold up reasonably well. On a typical web page .the couple is quite small however. At least the OP and newlyweds have a variety of choices.

Chapel & Couple_5d4.jpg
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