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Object Selection Tool question.


Active Member
HOW do I embed the "Delete and fill selection" command from the Object selection tool context menu into an action?

I tried this question in the fer-real Photoshop forum and I couldn't even get a response from someone that'd HEARD of the thing.

I've been using the Delete and fill selection. It is NOT the same as a Content-Aware Fill. The result is different, and better in some situations. It works pretty well most of the time. BUT, there are times when it works better if I do the selection then modify the selection using Select>Modify BEFORE selecting "Delete and Fill Selection" from the context menu.

I'd like to put this in an action, but I can't figure out how to put the "Delete and fill selection" INTO the action. I can use the shortcut Shift+backspace, and it appears to work, but HOW do I put this in an action?
The one that's in the Adobe Photoshop Community thing? Didn't get anything useful there, so I figured a forum of Photoshop Gurus would know how to get a command from a context menu into an action. It's beyond my meager action skills.
Hi GracieAllen
I too could not get the Delete and Fill contextual menu option to record in Actions either.
You might want to post that in the Adobe Community Forum as a bug or feature request.

It very well may be beyond what you want to do is to do this by a script. A common approach is to record the steps with the Scriptlistener Plugin. If you want to get a feel for what is involved here is a link: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/downloadable-plugins-and-content.html
There is some work to strip out exactly what you want to include in what was recorded

Then you can call that script via File > Script > Browse to where you save the script or you can call the script through an Action as well

It is quite a bit of work to take this path yet I bet it would work
John Wheeler
